Chapter 4 (Short)

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Y/n went to bed that night, but he didnt get any sleep. The fact that his car was alive and almost certainly a giant robot like his brother's car kept him awake.

The next morning, Y/n got out of bed, got dressed, and went downstairs. He had a quick breakfast of a piece of toast and a glass of milk. He went outside and stared at Shatter, for about ten minutes.

"If you want to go for a ride, you can just get in." Shatter said, breaking the silence.

"No, I dont want to go for a ride."

"What's the matter, little one? Too scared?~"

Y/n didnt speak. He simply stared at Shatter. The silence was almost unbearable, Shatter was the first to break it.

"I feel I've overstepped with you. Did I offend you, little one?"

"... Your.. comments yesterday were a bit much."

"Ah, i see... then I have offended you."

"No, you didnt offend me. It's just that I'm seventeen and... you're probably a lot older than me."

"I fail to see the relevance of age."

"Well.. I dont know how you do things.. where ever you're from, but it's kinda illegal to hit on a minor here."

"Oh, I've broken one of your planet's laws. And by 'hit on' I assume my flirtatious actions and comments are to what you are referring.. forgive me, I was not aware of your laws concerning relationships. I am your guardian, and I should act as such. I am sorry for my actions against you."

"Its okay, just please dont do it again."

"Of course. On my planet, age is something we really dont concern ourselves with. I was born eons ago, probably before your planet even existed... I hope you can forgive me."

"Sure, it was just an honest mistake." Y/n said, giving Shatter a small smile. "But, maybe, a morning drive would be nice."

"Then hop in, I swear to behave myself." Shatter said with a small chuckle as the driver side door opened.

Y/n got into the driver seat and Shatter started her engine. They drove through the city and into the country side.

"Your world is very beautiful, little one. It's nothing like my world."

"What's your world like?"

"Its much larger than your own. So much larger, your planet would be a moon to mine. It's called Cybertron, and is made entirely of metal. Not a single leaf, or drop of water on the planet."

"Then how do you survive?"

"We sustain ourselves on Energon, the life blood of my people. Energon is everything to us. It runs through our veins, powers our weapons, our machines, everything."

"Wow, that sounds amazing. I'd like to see your world."

"Perhaps one day, little one. Perhaps one day."

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