Chapter 18 - Ripper -

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(Continuation of the previous flashback)

"Eeeeekkk!" I tumbled around the bed, giggled and squealed with my new 'friend'. "Hahahahahahaha!"

It was sticking its tounge at me as I raised it in the air while I lay down in bed.

"From now on, I'll be calling you Ripper!" He looks happy and contented about his new monicker as he wagged his tail at me. "Look at those badass ripper paws! I'm gonna train you! And make you a fierce monster! Just like me! Who's the badass? Who's the badass?! RAAAAWWWWRRRR!"

Woof woof!

"I said RAAAWWWRRR! Not a woof woof!" I pouted. "That's lame!"

Knock knock.

"Proceed!" I called out.


It was Aniki.

"A-aniki!" I straightened up and placed Ripper down for awhile to attend to Aniki's valuable words.

"Mom wants to see you." He sat on one of the cozy bean bags, crossing his legs. He was carrying two paperbags with something in it.

"Eeeh?!" I whined. "I don't want to..." I tried to avoid Aniki's eyes as I tumbled around the bed.

"She wants to congratulate you for another job well done for today. You are levelling up and you were able to take down a whole team of small fry bandits neatly. She also wanted to see your new 'friend'..."

"She already knows what happened. Why does she need ME to retell it to her personally, Psssh..." I rolled my eyes then picking Ripper up to cuddle and play with him again. "Right Ripper?! WOOF WOOF!" It gave me back a lick in my face... "Hahahahahaha! It tickles~~!"

"Okay..." He shrugged. "Oh, by the way, I came here to bring you these." He handed me over one paper bag.

"Huh?" I gave him a puzzled look.

"Dogfood. That's what you feed your 'Ripper' with..."

"Oh..." I took the bag from him and took away the box from the paper bag, reading the instructions.

"Aniki...!" I turned to him and gave him a huge grin. "Thank you!"

"Youre welcome." He plainly spoke still with his usual indifferent expression. "However, I did not give you 'Ripper' just to play around with. You have to take care of him. Ripper is another living thing. He needs to eat, to be bathed, looked after and trained. Just like how we take good care of you."

"Mm-hm!" I nodded briskly.

"I assign the task to you. Do not disappoint me."

"Aye aye sir!" I gave him a salute.

"And here's one more present for you." He handed me the other bag. I opened the bag as my smile grew wider.

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