Dream seemed happy with her answer, "Good girl" he said as he gave her a little push. "Now go along now, you must be at your post early, its almost time" he said with a "Shoo" gesture with his hand. The girl nodded in response as she then took off her armor and drank an invisibility potion, she has eight minutes to reach her destination. Thankfully, she is quite fast and agile on her feet.

She then ran to a cliff side where she can see the location of where the execution will be held and skillfully climb down, she then headed towards the area as she then climbed on a house and waited for the targets. Her invisibility potion had a few minutes left before its effects would subsided, so she put on her armor and stayed hidden on the houses.

She checked her inventory once again, to see if she had all her supplies. Thankfully she didnt forgotten anything, she is well prepared.

She then waited..... And waited.....

Somewhere in the snowy cold Tundras there was four men who seemed to be fighting with a toddler? The toddler seemed to be about three years old and he was a hybrid. A piglin hybrid to be more specific, the toddler seemed to be wearing very regal attire, something a king would wear. He even had a golden crown adored with jewels that was set on his head.

The four men who seemed to be battling the toddler were a different bunch, they almost look like they nothing in common if not for the white aprons they were wearing that were stained with a red liquid. One of the men backed out and was focusing on long ranged, whist another one was on fire.....

Two people, a fox hybrid and a man with small yellow wings, clearly duck hybrid were double teaming the man, the duck hybrid sprinted towards the piglin and slashed at him. The piglin blocked the attack as they then continued exchanging attacks to which they were either blocked or dodged, the fox hybrid then charged at him with his sword. But the piglin blocked his attack and then started to duel them both.

A tall lanky one, whose one of his most noticable features was his half black and white skin/hair and his hectocromian eyes that were in a lovely red and green. He took out a crossbow and shot an arrow at the piglin who was attacking another person who had very light blonde hair and blue eyes, he seemed to be no older than seventeen and had a lot of burn marks..... Half of his face seemed to be melted off.....

The piglin was too quick and swiftly dodged, he continously attacked the blonde boy as the same arrow flew by him. The blonde teen flinched, as he kept on trying to block the ravanous and powerful attacks using his large netherite axe. Piglins were known for their brute strenght afterall, no matter how old or young they were.

The piglin pinned the blonde to the ground, as he continued with his attack, the toddler seemed to be in a sort of trance as his eyes slightly glew blood red. The blonde had fear in his eyes, as he shouted, "Big Q do something!". His arms were shaking as his breath hitched, one of his arms of what seems to be a tattoo of three hearts. Two of which were fully black and one was the color red with a black outline around, "Big Q! I cant hold on for much longer!" he shouted once more, his pupils shrinked as the axe flew out of his hands and he was about to get hit by the piglin's sword......

"TECHNOBLADE STOP!" the duck hybrid yelled, gaining the piglin's attention. The blonde teen quickly took the chance to back away and run to one of his comrades. More specificly, the half and half one.

The piglin, now Technoblade's eyes widened in shock to see that the duck hybrid has his glowing netherite axe towards his precious horse's neck. His shock then turned to anger as he pointed his sword at the man with small yellow wings. "You get away from that horse Quackity!" he yelled as he narrowed his eyes, glaring daggers at the duck hybrid who was now identified as Quackity.

In return, the man glared back at him, making his weapon get closer to the horse's neck. "Technoblade, if you dont fucking surrender and take off your armor..... Im going to kill this fucking horse then and there." he said with clear malice in his words.

The piglin froze and look down, he closed his eyes as he then bregrudgingly slowly took off his armor. He then took off his vibrant bloodstained red cape, and then his golden crown..... He glaced at his crown in his hands, before dropping it in the pile on items on the ground.

"Surrender all your items and weapons." Quackity demanded as the axe was nearing contact with the horse's neck, followed up by a "Yea" from the fox hybrid. The piglin scoffed, as he then dropped his weapons into the same pile. "Come on. I know you have fucking more on you, dont you dare pull any bullshit Techno." the duck hybrid snarled, to the piglin scoffed and dropped more of his weapons and potions.

The duck hybrid then signalled to his comrades to collect the items, to which they did. The men besides the half and half one had celebrated their victory..... They mightve won the battle, but they havent won the war.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2023 ⏰

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