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Braedyn's Pov:

I woke up to someone shaking me awake. "Brae, darling, wake up!" I heard my favorite Scottish accent say. I smiled and opened my eyes. I looked at Drew as a sat up. I stretched as Drew kissed my forehead. "Good morning beautiful" he said. "Good morning!" I replied before standing up. I went to my bag and got out some clothes. I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. I got out and got dressed and did everything I needed to.

————I put my hair in a simple bun since the hairstylists and makeup artists will style it

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I put my hair in a simple bun since the hairstylists and makeup artists will style it. I walked out the bathroom and grabbed my bag, phone, and anything else I need. Me and Drew left and went out to the bus. We got on since we were running a little behind and we left for the arena. We arrived and got out. I said bye to Drew as I made my way to Hunter's office since he asked to see me. I walked in and saw Shane McMahon, Hunter, and Stephanie. "Hello Braedyn! Please, take a seat!" Stephanie greeted me.  "Braedyn we have your ring gear you will use in the royal rumble tonight and during your segment!" Stephanie said going through a bag that was on the couch next to me. She pulled out the ring gear and my jaw dropped. It was amazing. "This looks so cool!" I said looking at it. "Well we have your new storyline that will take place!" Hunter said looking at the paperwork on the desk. "You are going to be in a faction called The Abominations!" Hunter said as he found what he was looking for. "Okay who is all in this faction?" I asked. "As it says here it will be The Miz and Chris Jericho." Hunter replied. "Okay!" I said interested. He told me the story that we will rehearse for in a bit. After he dismissed me, I walked to my locker room I shared with Auska. "Hey Brae! Did you get your new storyline?" She asked. "Yep!" I replied. "Let me see!!" She said reaching out for the script. I handed it to her as I went to get changed into my ring gear.
Ring Gear:

Pretend there is a blue, green, gold, and purple version of this!———Once me and Auska were ready, we went out to where the lounge is and I saw Drew talking to Sheamus and Dolph

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Pretend there is a blue, green, gold, and purple version of this!
Once me and Auska were ready, we went out to where the lounge is and I saw Drew talking to Sheamus and Dolph. Me and Auska started talking as we stood by the corner of the room. "Well hello there new member of The Abomination!" I heard someone say. I look over and saw Mike and Chris. "Hey guys!" I say smiling at them. No one knows about this group other than me, Mike, Chris, and Auska. We were told that it was a surprise for the audience and everyone else. "Ready for the segment?" Chris asked. "Yeah!" Me and Auska replied at the same time. "Great! We go on in a few minutes to rehearse! We were told to find you and head to the gorilla!" Mike said smiling at us. We left the room and I looked over at Drew. He looked at me and waved so I waved back before leaving the room to head to the gorilla. Once we got there, we started to rehearse.

Once we were don't rehearsing, we head back to the lounge. I saw Drew sitting in the couch on his phone. I sat next to him and he looked up at me. "Hey beautiful!" He said wrapping an arm around me, kissing my head. "Hey!" I replied leaning into him. "How was rehearsals?" He asked. "It was good! I'm really looking forward for this storyline!" I replied smiling at him. We talked for a while and Dolph joined us. We joked around and discussed the matches we had. "What is your new storyline Brae?" Dolph asked. "Can't say" I replied. "Why not?" Drew asked. "Hunter said that it is a surprise! You just have to watch and find out!" I smirked as they whined. I checked the time and it was 7:00pm. The show starts in an hour so I said bye to the boys as I went to the locker room where Auska was getting her makeup done. Once she was done, the makeup artist, Courtney, started on my hair and makeup. It wasn't much so it didn't take that long. Me and Auska went over our script one more time until it was time for us to start watching the show. We heard a knock on the door so Auska got up and opened the door. "Hey guys!" She said as Chris and Mike walked in. "Hey girls! Mind if we watch the show with you guys as we rehearse one more time?" Chris asked. "Yeah of course!" I replied. Once I was done with my hair and makeup, I got up and Courtney left the room. We started rehearsing until it was close to our segment.

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