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—3 weeks later—

Braedyn Pov:

Everyone walked out and I followed behind with Dean. We were joking around and laughing. We've gotten really close by the few weeks of knowing each other. There is someone I have a crush on but only Auska knows. Who is it you may ask? It's Drew. Drew McIntyre. We've gotten so close that I've been catching feelings. I know I shouldn't fall for him but I can't help it. Me and Drew also got really close. Currently, me and Dean are talking about random things when Dolph and Drew walks into the room. Drew looks at us two laughing and just walks away. I gave Dolph a confused look but he just shrugged and walked after him. I got up wearing my red gear about to head out for my match.
Red gear:

——I went out to get ready for my match

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I went out to get ready for my match. I was facing Alexa for the raw women's championship as she was my on screen rival. As my music was called (song at the top) I walked out and started clapping to the beat. Once the beat dropped, I started dancing to the music doing my intro until I got into the ring. They then called out Alexa as she did her intro. Once we were both in the ring, we started the match and she immediately hit me with a drop kick. I fell back and she went to pick me up. I pushed her to the ring and hit her with a drop kick back. We both laid on the ground for a few moments until I got up. I grabbed her hair and helped her up as I repeatedly punched her in the face. We continued for a while until I hit her with a DDT and pinned her. I ended up winning from pin fall and I won the Raw Women's Championship. I started crying from excitement as the referee handed me the belt and raised my hand to declare my victory. After I made my way back to the locker room, Auska ran up to me and hugged me. "Congratulations girl!!" She said smiling at me. "Thank you!!" I replied hugging her back. I grabbed my clothes bag and went to take a shower from sweating. After my shower, I changed and fixed my hair.


Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.


——I walked out and Auska was already out for her match against Naomi

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I walked out and Auska was already out for her match against Naomi. I went to the lounge and sat down on a couch and went on my phone. I then felt someone sit down beside me and lay their head on my shoulder. I looked over and saw Dolph. "Hey brother!" I said smiling at him. "Hey little sis! Congrats on the win!" He said hugging me. I hugged him back and we talked for a while. When he went out for his match against Kofi Kingston, Drew came over and sat next to me. "Hello there Raw Women's Champion!" He said in his adorable Scottish accent. "Thank you!" I said smiling at him. He smiled back immediately and looked at the screen to show Dolph and Kofi's match. I watched the show and yawned as my eyes got heavier and heavier. As my eyes closed, I felt someone pull me to them to lay on their shoulder with their arm around me. I knew it was Drew because I heard him talking to someone right after. I felt him kiss my head as a slowly fall asleep. Before I could fall asleep, I heard someone yell, "OH YEAH!!" and then someone play the trombone. I jumped a bit as Drew looked at me. "You okay?" He asked. "Yeah they scared me" I replied. He placed my head back on his shoulder and yelled at Xavier and Big E, "Hey can you guys quiet down or go somewhere else with that?" "Sorry!!" I heard Xavier yell as they ran out. I then slowly started to fall back asleep as Drew was watching Dolph's match.

About 45 minutes later, I woke up to someone gently shaking me. "Brae wake up.." I heard a Scottish accent whisper into my ear. I buried my face into the person's neck not wanting to wake up. "Brae come on it's time for my match.." they said and I finally sat up. I stretched as Drew stood up and I felt someone else pull me to lay on them. I looked up and saw Auska sitting there hugging me. I laughed and hugged back as she said, "back off Drew she's mine!" I looked at Drew and saw him smirk with his hands up before walking off to his match against AJ Styles. Me and Auska laughed and looked at the screen as Drew's music came on. I saw him walk out and I stared at his abs covered in chest hair. I felt someone nudge at me and I looked over at Auska. She was smirking at me and I blushed. "Stop!" I said covering my face. "You have it bad for him!!" She said pretty loudly. "Shh!!" I said before hearing a voice behind me. "Have it bad for who?" Dean said as I looked at him. He sat down as I sighed. "No one!" I said defensively. "Don't lie to him!" Auska said. "Who is it Brae?" Dean asked curious. "Dr-" Auska started as I covered her mouth. "Come on Brae!! I won't say anything I promise!!" Dean begged. "Fine.. it's.. it's Drew.." I said sighing. "I knew it!" He yelled excited. "I knew you've liked him for ages now!!" Dean said shaking me a little. "Shut up before someone hears you!!" I yelled as we all laughed. Drew then walked in in his regular clothes on and walked past without saying anything.. I just looked at him confused but Auska and Dean got my attention back.

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