A Sweet Bet

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I flopped down on the grass, sure my head was going to be hard boiled soon if we had to go over this one more time. Gabriel was no better. I think he had repeated each word at least a couple dozen times each as we sat under the tree outside behind Nathan's property. I hadn't realized when we started that Meanie had such a long list of swearwords to find alternatives for. Some had been really hard, like, like...Well, it had to do with a mother. What the other word meant I wasn't sure. I had come up with McFudging as the closest sounding variation.

Gabriel scoffed and covered his eyes with his hand. He finally ran his fingers through the blond locks back into the rest of his brown hair in frustration.


"You mean McFudging Meanie!"

"Right. What you said."

I sighed and threw my paper down in the grass, closing my eyes against the light filtering down from the trees. He wasn't even trying anymore. The class was beginning in just a few days, and we had made little progress. I felt like we were going to fail, and that it was my fault for not trying hard enough. I felt his warm hand encircle my wrist and his breath on my face. He hovered and I couldn't' help the smile that inched over my face.

"Go over it again Meanie."

He growled and grabbed me around my waist, burying his nose in my neck. I waited, giggling, as he nipped around my ears. I made a tick tock sound with my tongue and he laughed, finally dragging his face out of my hair to look down at me with his laughing crystal eyes.


I nodded in approval.

"Sugar, Fudge, Honey, um. Um. Aw Trouble, just..."

"Fudge it."

Gabriel looked at me in shock. I had sort of surprised myself as well. I had interrupted him, and had said the variation myself of what I knew he was about to slip. I thought about it for a minute. I wanted to try something.

"Meanie, talk as you normally do, but when I butt in, let me finish the word for you, okay?"

He still looked surprised. I nudged him gently in the side with my elbow. He shook his head and snorted. I wasn't sure if he liked the idea. Then he smirked.

"Trouble, it'll never.."

"Fudging work."

I grinned while he pressed his lips together into a thin line. He opened his mouth to swear.

"Gumdrop it."

His eyes popped open and his mouth snapped closed. I giggled. It was fun to catch him right before he slipped, it was like a game. Operation interrupt Meanie. He finally sat up off of me and leaned his arms against his knees. I sat up too, propping myself up with my elbows.

"I think this will work if I help you Meanie. I'm your assistant after all. I should earn my keep."

He laughed and pulled me into his lap for a snuggle. I giggled lightly and settled down into his arms while he played with a strand of my hair, twisting it around his finger to twirl it.

"Sure Trouble. Let's give it a shot."

* * * *

I adjusted my top, pulling it over my hips and smoothing it out. Meanie had insisted I wear something that didn't matter if it got ruined, so I had picked out a pair of jeans and a plain orange t shirt. I smiled while I tied my shoes. I was looking forward to today. School had been more stressful than usual lately, and this should be a nice distraction in the afternoon afterwards. Besides, Meanie said I would get to play with the paint a little with him if there was time. I was looking forward to that.

A car horn honked out front and I knew Meanie was here to pick me up. I blew out a big breath. We had practiced every chance we got, and I was pretty good at catching him now. I just hoped it was enough. I grabbed my keys and a hair clip and headed outside, locking the door behind me. Meanie smiled from inside the car and got out when he saw me, running around the car and opening the passenger side door. I smiled at him and slipped in, belatedly noticing Mr. Blackbourne and Kota were sitting in the back. I raised my eyebrows in surprise but smiled, giving them a little wave.

"Good afternoon Mr. Blackbourne. Hi Kota."

Kota smiled, but Mr. Blackbourne was all business and only gave me a slight nod. I turned toward Meanie as he entered his side and started backing out of the driveway. I watched in my peripheral vision as Mr. Blackbourne straightened his tie.

"Have you finished the required paperwork Mr. Coleman?"

Gabriel nodded, tapping a beat out on the steering wheel with his thumbs. He ducked his head until he found Mr. Blackbourne in the rear view mirror and gave him a tight smile.

"No worries Mr. B. It's all wrapped up. Trouble and I have got this..."

"Sugar down!".

I tensed in my seat. I had felt that one coming and had managed to catch it. I was pretty sure I could manage Meanie in the school, but convincing Mr. Blackbourne that this was the best way was another thing entirely. Mr. Blackbourne was awkwardly silent in the back. I didn't dare look back at his face. Kota finally broke the silence and started cracking up.

"A hundred says he doesn't make it the entire four weeks Mr. Blackbourne. You care to go against it?"

I whipped my head around at Kota's suggestion and glared. He just laughed harder, wiping away tears of mirth and holding out a hand to him to shake on the bet. I threw my hardened gaze over to Mr. Blackbourne, who's millimeter smile trembled at the corner of his mouth. I challenged him with my eyes not to accept. I wasn't comfortable with him taking a bet that's outcome was dependent on my performance with Gabriel. His gray eyes sparked in response as he took Kota's proffered hand and they shook.

"Agreed Mr. Lee."

I turned back around in my seat and huffed, glancing at Meanie. He was nearly choking, trying his hardest not to laugh and was failing miserably. I sniffed and set my mouth determinedly as Kota set off on another round of chuckling behind me.

I was in for a long four weeks.

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