Chapter 2: Scarlet Letter

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Hayden's eyes shot open as he fought through the fear, watching the youngest daughter slash her sickle wildly at him, forcing him to duck under her swings, while raising his arm and blocking Cassandra's sickle off of his bracer, the middle child raising her eyebrows in surprise as she heard her the ring of her blade deflecting off of the hidden metal.

He couldn't go for his knife. He simply didn't have the time. Sensing an opening, Daniela leaped again with a sinister cackle, Hayden ducking low as he felt the rusted metal of her blade nearly lop his ear off. As she turned again, she suddenly flew backward with a scream, Daniela slamming into the wall and taking him completely off guard.

Too wild into her frenzy to see what had happened, Cassandra managed her own lunge forward, planting her hands on his chest and straddling him with a dark grin, with her gold eyes glowing with beautiful malice.

This was the end. A week. Better than most, he assumed.

As she raised her sickle to hack him to pieces, he closed his eyes, accepting this was where his road ended, only to hear a shriek from his assailant. His eyes hesitantly opened as he saw Bela lifting Daniela almost 2ft in the air by the throat with her left hand while she held Cassandra's wrist in her right, her eyes wild with anger as she snarled to her sisters.

Bela: What did mother say!? What did she say, Cassandra!? Surely you both remember!

Her voice grew louder as Cassandra crawled off of him, then yanked her wrist free while smirking, watching Hayden scramble to his feet. Cassandra was nonchalant, almost humored by Hayden's attempt at surviving as she shrugged.

Cassandra: I couldn't say. Care to remind me?

Bela let Daniela go, the youngest daughter floating to the ground with a scowl while Bela pushed Cassandra up against the wall with her forearm against her throat, giving Hayden enough time to recover.

Bela: There are way too many servants in this castle right now. Trim the fat off of the shoveling or cleaning staff, but do not disobey Mother by attacking one of the few people you can't.

The middle daughter looked down before turning her gaze to Hayden, giving him a sneer.

Daniela: You know how we get, Sister! I promise we weren't going to hurt him...badly.

Both of their eyes narrowed at Daniela's challenge.

Bela: Both of you, get out of my sight or Mother will hear of this.

That threat alone was enough for Cassandra and Daniela to leave, but not before Daniela sniffed the air and gave him a wide, lively smile, mouthing the words "Got You" to Hayden before she left. Bela turned to him with a blank look, as if expecting him to grovel.

Hayden: Lady Bela, I cannot thank you enough for the assistance. I don't know what I did to offend either of-

Her growl echoed across the hall.

Bela: Drop the act. I just saved your life.

She turned away and started walking towards where her sisters left.

Hayden: What you call an act, I call security, Lady Bela. With respect, I don't think you saved me out of moral obligation.

The eldest stopped in her tracks, then turned around to face him with beaded eyes. Hayden was barking up the wrong tree. Before she started to advance on him, Hayden spoke again, grimacing as a sharp pain cut him off mid-sentence.

Hayden: But I'm grateful, nonetheless. Now, if you'd excuse me, I...

He put his hand to the sting, feeling a warm drizzle of blood pool in his palm as he attempted his best to endure his image of professionalism through the torment. Bela stopped several feet away with a loud response building inside of her throat as she caught it, the sweet scent of blood, so close and warm.

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