"Hey, I remember she helped you attack us," Sokka said realizing how he recognizes June. 

"Yep back in the good old days," Zuko replied.

"Oh great its Prince Pouty," June said,"Where's your creepy grandpa?"

"He's my uncle and he's not here," Zuko responded.

She glanced at me,"I see you made up with your pretty girlfriend,"

Zuko blushed making me blush and softly clear my throat from the awkwardness. 

"So what do you want?" June asked drinking from her cup. 

"I need your help finding the Avatar," Zuko told June.

"Doesn't sound too fun,"

"Does the end of the world sound like fun?!" Zuko argued.

"Alright," June looked at me,"You sure a girl like you wants to be with someone like him?"

"Unfortunately," I joked as we walked out.

"Nyla,"June cooed as she tossed the shirishu a piece of steak, coddling the beast,"Who's my little snuffly wuffly?"

"Okay, so who's got something with the Avatar's scent on it?"

"I have Aang's staff," Katara said, holding it out for Nyla to sniff. The beast then walked around in a circle before whimpering, laying down and covering her nose.

"Whats exactly is that supposed to mean?" Kaito asked crossing her arms.

"It means your friend's gone," June answered.

"We know he's gone, that's why we're trying to find him," Toph said.

"No I mean, he's gone, gone," June said,"He doesn't exist,"

"What do you mean Aang doesn't exist?! Do you mean he's,,, you know, dead?" Sokka asked concerned.

"Nope, we can find him if he were dead, wow that's a real head scratcher, see ya,"

"Helpful, real helpful," Toph said.

"Wait," Zuko called out,"I have another idea, there's only one other person in this world who can help us face the Fire Lord, I'll be right back with the smell sample,"

Zuko came back with Iroh sandal which stank.

"You saved your uncle's sweaty sandal?" Sokka asked.

"I think it's kinda sweet," Toph said, crossing her arms.

"In a very very gross way," I said holding my forehead as a chill went down my spine from the stench.

"Don't forget disturbing," Kaito said gagging.

The shirishu ran off in a scent trail. We quickly hopped on Appa to follow before we lost their trail. I saw in the distance a large unmistakable wall.

"We're going to Ba Sing Se?" Zuko asked as I made Appa land.

"Your uncle's somewhere beyond the wall. Nyla is getting twitchy so it can't be too far," June said,"Good luck,"

I nodded as she ran off again. I looked at the wall of Ba Sing Se thinking about how the Fire Nation took it over.

"It's been a long day. Let's set up camp and start our search again at dawn," Zuko suggested to which we all agreed.

Zuko laid back as I looked down at him. I ran my hand across his cheek as he closed his eyes. I hummed a bit before I laid down next to him. He wrapped his body around mine, giving off a comfortable warmth. We fell asleep soon after.

Kya Maiden of the Sea Book 3 ATLAWhere stories live. Discover now