"About Sozin's comet," Aang said,"I was actually going to wait to fight the Fire Lord until after it came,"

"After?" "Wait what?" "Huh?"Zuko, Kaito, and I blurted out.

"I'm not ready. I need more time to master fire bending,"

"And frankly your earth bending could still use some work too," Toph said.

"So you all knew Aang was gonna wait?" Zuko said, looking at me.

"Nope, don't look at me. I had zero idea about this," I sighed.

Zuko and I then looked to Kaito,"Hey I'm just as out of the loop at you two are,"

The three of us then collectively decided to glare at the rest of the group. 

"Honestly, if Aang, tries to fight the Fire Lord right now, he's gonna lose," Sokka said shooing our glares away,"No offense,"

"The whole point of fighting the Fire Lord before the comet was to stop the Fire Nation from winning the war, but they pretty much won the war when they took over Ba Sing Se. Things can't get any worse,"

"You guys," I groaned, holding my forehead.

"You're wrong, It's about to get worse than you can even imagine. The day before the eclipse my father asked me to attend an important war meeting. It was what I dreamed about and wanted for some many years, my father finally accepted me back,"

Zuko and Kaito explained how Fire Lord Ozai was planning to burn down the entire Earth Kingdom, bringing the world to ashes. I got a slight headache to think how far Zuko's father would go just for power.

"We both wanted to speak out against the plan but we didn't, and we regret it. But we can't just wait until the comet passes," Kaito said looking down.

"My whole life I struggled to get my father's love and acceptance, But once I had it, I realized I lost myself getting there. I had forgotten who I was," Zuko said looking at me. 

"I can't believe this," Katara said as she fell to her knees.

"I always knew the Fire Lord was a bad guy, but his plan is just pure evil,"

"What am I gonna do?" Aang said feeling disappointed in himself.

"I know you're scared," Zuko walked up to him,"And I know you're not ready to save the world, but if you don't defeat the Fire Lord before the comet comes, there won't be a world to save anymore,"

"Why didn't you tell me about your dad's crazy plan sooner?!" Aang asked.

"I didn't think I had to. I assumed you were gonna fight him before the comet. No one told me you decided to wait!" Zuko responded.

"This is bad," Aang held his head as he fell to his knees,"This is really really bad," My heart broke for him. So much responsibility for just a kid.

"Aang, you don't have to do this alone," Katara walked over.

"Yeah!" Toph agreed,"If we all fight the Fire Lord together we've got a shot at taking him down!"

"We've always got your back Aang," Kaito added. 

"It won't be easy but we've got to at least try," I said with a small smile.

"Alright!" Sokka said excited,"Team Avatar is back! Air, water, earth, fire, fan and sword,"

"Fighting the Fire Lord is gonna be the hardest thing we've ever done together," Aang said,"But I wouldn't want to do it any other way,"

Everyone got into a group hug, I pulled Zuko in too.

"I know you want in on the hugs too," I teased.

Zuko grumbled a bit before sinking into the hug. Appa roared crashing into us, Momo followed.

Zuko, Kaito and Aang continued practice, and so did Suki and I. Katara watched as Sokka and Toph went about their own business. I listened along in the back of my head as Zuko taught Aang lightning redirection. Meanwhile, Suki and I always ended in a tie. It was annoying but fun.

She flipped me but I landed well and tripped her, she hit her back and jumped back up to punch me. I dodged so she punched me in the shoulder instead of my chest, I grabbed her arm and twisted it to the ground.

"Thats 10 to 10 now," I said. 

"Alright alright," Suki said in an unamused laugh.

"You'll have to take the Fire Lord's life before he takes yours," I hear Zuko say, making me snap my attention in their direction. Aang isn't someone who's willingly going to take someone's life.

"It might be your only chance. Don't mess it up," Kaito added with a nod.

Suki quickly kicked me off her and pinned to the ground,"Everytime,"

"Now it's 11 to 10," Suki smiled brightly.


I walked closer to Zuko and Kaito,"You think he'll really do it?" I asked.

"He has to if we have any hope in restoring balance to the world," Zuko said, hugging me and placing his chin on my head.

"I don't know. Aang is different from us," I whispered, burying my face into Zuko's chest.

"Well it's either that or he figures something else out," Kaito said looking at the others,"But we're running out of time to think of options,"

We were all worried about Aang, he isn't the type to take a life.

"Where's Sokka anyways?" I asked looking up.

"Something about a training field," Kaito replied.

A little while after Sokka called us over to a training ground he and Toph made. A watermelon scarecrow man, the Fire Lord, and Toph who played the 'Melon Lords and its forces'. Toph was a bit too excited at wanting to attack us with all she has. Katara, Kaito, Zuko and I fought back with bending while Sokka and Suki fought on the sides with their weapons. I created a huge opening with a wave of water turning them into ice whips to destroy the rocks. Aang jumped at Melon Lord as we hid waiting for Aang's final shot. As I expected, it never came.

"What are you waiting for?" Zuko called out,"Take him out!"

"I can't," Aang said shaking his head.

A frustrated Sokka went up and sliced the watermelon open. A loud thud came from the watermelon that was now on the floor making Aang wince. Momo then ate from the now sliced fruit as I put a finger to my temple to take a deep breath. 

Kya Maiden of the Sea Book 3 ATLAWhere stories live. Discover now