The Toph slightly laughs,"I can see you doing that. I see everything that you see, except I don't see like you do. I release a sonic wave from my mouth," The actor then turns to scream loudly at the others.

I covered my ears, pressing on them from the screeching that was now echoing the entire play house. Everyone else flinched and held an uncomfortable look as the scream went on for a short yet long while.

"There. I got a pretty good look at you,"

Well at least they have good lungs. I laughed to myself as I held my head trying to bring down the screeching that was still lingering in my mind.

The crowd applauded as the scene changed once more. It then showed Zuko splitting up from Iroh and that I followed him around the entire time as if I was some lifeless rag who barely talked and constantly sighed. I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

A while after we were at the part where we encountered Azula. 

"Wait, what's that?" The Azula actress pointed to the sky,"I think it's your honor," 

"Where?" The Zuko said, they all turned around as Azula escaped.

At this point Kaito was asleep as I was nodding my head off. It was where Aang was trying to stop Azula from drilling the walls of Ba Sing Se. My head fell forward so I shot back and hit my back. I groaned as I saw Jet, who was hypnotized. Then a large rock fell on him. 

"Did Jet just die?" Zuko asked to Sokka. 

I snapped my head in Sokka's direction as he shrugged.

"You know, it was really unclear," Sokka responded.

I widened my eyes in a bit of shock as the play continued.

The scene changed to the crystal catacombs where Zuko, Katara and I were trapped.

"I have to admit, Prince Zuko, I really find you attractive," The Katara said.

"Why are you flirting with my boyfriend?" The Kya said coldly, finally speaking up after a long while. 

The two of them ignored that my actress said, as the Katara pushed me aside.

"You don't have to make fun of me," The Zuko said, looking away.

"But I mean it," The Katara said sitting down next to him,"I've had eyes for you since the day you first captured me,"

I tilted my head, mostly in confusion but it was also kind of funny because in a moment it came crashing down to me that all of this was fake. Zuko then scooted closer to me as if he was trying to deny everything the actor was saying. I just leaned back to try and get more comfortable as Zuko slowly inched closer, it was cute. 

"Wait! I thought you were the Avatar's girl," The Zuko said standing up and looking to my actress. 

The Kya then glared at him before turning around and sitting on the floor, her back now turned to the two.

"The Avatar?" The Katara laughed,"Why, he's like a little brother to me. I certainly don't think of him in a romantic way,"

I looked to Aang who had a defeated look on his face, wow we're all taking this way too seriously.

"Besides, how could he ever find out about this?" The Katara said hugging Zuko tightly.

"No!" Zuko said dramatically pointing at the Kya,"I love her, she's the only one for me. Who will  sigh in disappointment and annoyance the way she does?!  I don't think I can live with anyone different!"

Kya Maiden of the Sea Book 3 ATLAUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum