Ward against Carchemish

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To say that a wyvern would have been intimidated by such a sight would be untrue. All Carchemish had to do was take hold of Ward's head in his jaws and crush it.

As the body of the Ward fell lifeless upon the ground, Carchemish for a moment turned his attention to Henry, Katharine, Ku and Miao. His eyes narrowing, the Resurrected Wyvern stared at the four teenagers until he made his departure. The hunt was not yet ended. Dido and the Black-Eyed Teen, two beings as unnatural as himself, were still there and he would not tolerate competition.

Once Carchemish had gone, the four teens stared at the cadaver of Campbell Ward. More than a little surprised, Ku asked: "That's it?"

"It's anti-climatic enough for me." Henry answered. "Now how about we all quickly run out of here and then make our way home?"

There was little reason to argue about it. Quickly running through the cold Ward had needed to survive, the four teens made all proceeded to make their way home at walking speed once they were out of Ward's residence. First, they would bring Katharine home and after that, it would be returning to their neighbourhood for Henry, Ku and Miao.

As they walked, Henry spoke of how Ward had brought up Benedick Poirot and Beatrice Hathaway. Realizing that they must have been who Ward had said Henry and her resembled, Katharine wondered: "I wonder whatever happened to the two of them."

"Well, we can figure that out later." Henry said. "Though with what Dido told me, two lookalikes would probably be the least strange thing so far."

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