Thunder Strangers Part 2

Start from the beginning

"You guys all right?" "That was way harsh man. You know what I think my morpher's toast. Plus I am really worried about Paige. I think she really hit her head hard." as he showed his friends his morpher." "Cam is going to freak when he finds out we thrash the zords and that Paige was hurt and did not let him check her out."

Back at Ninja Ops Cam is seen holding Four power ranger morphers

"Well you've managed to reduce years of technological advance into a pile of scrap metal in a single afternoon not to mention what you did to the zords and are you sure Paige is okay?"

"Cam now is not the time."

"I'm sorry you're right."

"And cam yes she went home and layed down you know she will probably be back in Ninja Ops either later today or tomorrow even if she is not ready." said Tori. Cam gave her a grateful smile before continuing "Thankfully the auto retreat allowed the reactors time to rest the holographic portals. I've engaged the self-reconstruct functions." "Dude I've got no idea what you just said." "They're fixing themselves." "Oh okay okay right sweet. Ow." said Dustin as Sensei slipped off of his head and in front of Cam. "hey Sensei uh why didn't they finish us off." "I mean those zords they had were sicko bro uh I mean Sensei."

"Thunder swords created by the same technology that power your own." "And these thunder ninjas work for Lothor that doesn't make any sense plus why do they think Paige has betrayed them." "Yeah, no more than Zurgane booking out of there when they showed up." "I suspect that as with all evil alliances there is dissension in their ranks dissension that can be used to our advantage when the time is right but hopefully not to our disadvantage. You three must watch over Paige carefully. We do not know the connections that they might have with Paige." the three nodded in understanding before Dustin said " I hope these are under warranty." "I just feel totally helpless there's got to be something we can do." "For now you must return to your daily lives if Lothor suspects anything out of the ordinary it will only give him more power." "And be careful they've already stolen the Tsunami Cycles discs somehow whoever you speak to make sure you trust them. Tell Paige if she feels up to it she can come and sit with me in Ninja Ops to get rid of the craziness."

At the beach

"Tori is walking back to her fan clearly thinking about something "What no hello?" turning around Tori saw that it was Blake and Hunter "sorry my mind's somewhere else." "Yeah rough day." "yeah actually going to see Paige after I'm done surfing she always helps my rough days." "Yeah she does his days more than mine." said Blake as he smiled at his big brother before getting a smack to the back of the head. Tori giggled "I get what you mean on that one." looking at Hunter with knowing eyes. "Hey thanks again for helping me out there and for taking Paige home." "Oh yeah hey listen uh don't mention it. Anytime." "I'll keep that in mind." "cool."

"I'll catch you later." "yeah Sure thing." and tori went back to walk on the beach. "Wow, smooth. You'll have to show me your moves sometime." "What so I can help you ask sunshine on a date?" messing with his brother before running off seeing a flustered Hunter running after him.

Back at Storm Chargers Dustin is seen in the shop part changing the oil on his bike

"Dude you've changed your oil like four times already." "Yeah I don't know man I..I Just can't stop thinking about why those thunder punks just didn't destroy us when they had the chance you know." 'Maybe something to do with Paige."

"Hey kel." "Yo check it out." "Hey just fill these out before the race and we're good to go um make sure your parents sign them..." "We don't leave with our parents." said Hunter "Oh I'm sorry." "Hey don't sweat it we'll get the forms back to you tomorrow okay?" "Great I'll see you out there then." "Cool."

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