Chapter 22 | Progress

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𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 22 | Progress


*inhales* IM BACK-












I've returned to this fanfiction after a bit of a self-doubt episode. Enjoy!


(Y/N) LEAPT FORWARD. Winds lashing. Shiroi in hand, waiting to inflict a slash. Yoh dodged. A strand of hair cut. A close call. His Oversoul barely shielding him from another strike.

"Here I come, Yoh-san."

Behind him. Amidamaru moved as fast as he could to block the strike. (Y/n)'s eyes shifted relentlessly from (e/c) to (f/c). The shadow in her eyes was disturbing. Yoh felt threatened. This might not be (Y/n) nor Kotone. A stranger. Someone who truly wished to hurt him. Kill him. Spill his blood. Then, the feeling was suddenly gone. It was Kotone again. He was safe.

Relentless strikes and desperate dodging in attempts to retaliate. Yoh barely managed to flip backwards and keep his headphones from falling off of his head and being decapitated by the blade that was a few inches away from his forehead.

'Something has changed.'

Calm blue eyes were shadowed by an alarmed look.

Yoh felt threatened once again. It seemed that (Y/n) and Kotone were once again absent. This was a stranger.

"Cho Senji Ryakketsu: Mikazuki no Harae!"

An unknown voice. Where did his sweet imouto go? Yoh didn't know. But the words that the unknown voice spilled alarmed him terribly and almost shook him. Yet he managed to stay calm. Yoh knew that he must not lose his composure.

A violent, larger Oversoul grew out of Shiroi. Silva's eyes widened in alarm at the vast numbers of Furyoku that were being counted on his Oracle Bell.

Endless ones and zeroes. Infinite infinities. Then, the numbers stopped. They were normal again. In the small thousands that (Y/n) was originally shown to have.

"This is exactly what I was talking about..."

Yoh deepened his stance, staring at the unknown.

"...It's been happening for a long while now, you know.."

Somehow, in a moment of vulnerability, Yoh managed to tackle her to the ground and gave her a firm blow to the stomach. She anchored Shiroi into the ground and steadied herself.

𝐄𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥 ||ꜱʜᴀᴍᴀɴ ᴋɪɴɢ|| Tao Renजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें