Chapter 15| Fight

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𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 15 | 𝘍𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵













This chapter may feel like a drag, but enjoy!


𝟺:𝟻𝟸 𝙰.𝙼

THE SUN ROSE SLOWLY, illuminating Japan as its light tore through the fluffy clouds. In this golden hour of sunrise, the gap between luminous night and glorious morning was closing, completing the turning of a page of the story of (Y/n)'s life. This page was bound to be written in fine ink, without a second thought or doubt.

However, I'm not narrating for you how (Y/n) awoke. Why? Because she was already up. The lack of sleep was normal for her, considering her actual nightly habits, not the ones she made excuses of.

Suppose she should drink some coffee to get a kick of energy? No, Kotone hid anything that could contain caffeine upon Anna's word. Truly, (Y/n) felt like a little child who would swallow a pin if it had been in her reach. At least, that was how she viewed it.

The faint bags under her eyes did not stop the determined expression from overcoming her face as she carefully wiped Shiroi's blade with a rag. Her (e/c) eyes traced every movement of her fingers, careful not to injure herself and to complete her task with skill, accuracy and patience.

Half of her wanted to see how sharp Shiroi really was by pricking her finger, but the other half of her feared Kotone's scolding.

Breakfast was quick. A little too quick, in Kotone's words. (Y/n) had gotten lost in her thoughts and forgot to chew before swallowing, resulting in almost choking. A painful experience that she would not remember.

"(Y/n)-san, I have prepared your uniform," Kotone notified (Y/n), who was rushedly clearing the table. The girl was in a rather odd position. Her foot was balancing a plate, and her hands held cups which were stacked on top of each other. The uncomfortable look on her face told all, and Kotone took the dishes in her caring winds and put them away. Then, pushing (Y/n) towards her room with some stronger winds.

"I won't stand you being late, (Y/n)-san. I won't let you lose this match simply because I was complacent of helping you prepare. You've already adjusted your Oversoul to what your Furyoku levels can take, this should be enough," Kotone murmured to both herself and (Y/n), closing the door and removing the girl's white shirt top, before putting her uniform top over her head.

(Y/n) put it on quickly, though she had some trouble with the zipper.

Anna must have based this uniform on Yoh's.

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