CHAPTER FORTY ONE : Drop The ideas !

Start from the beginning

" Jack i arrange for you and i to take my father's private jet. I'm sure you will like it " she told me in a small voice.

I scoff slightly at her words.

" I would like what? " I asked her when i turn to look at her face. " In case you miss the good point i have one as well, and I'm sure it's forty percent more expensive than your father's. I choose to take this flight with my fellow swimmers and my manager because i don't want to show off " i step back breaking our physical contact " does that explanation makes you feel better Miss jane? " I asked searching her face " oh whatever, like i care " i said with an hint of sarcasm.

I walk away from her pity self, if she thought she is going to win me Back by this act of hers she would eventually failed besides this trip is strictly for business.

I never engaged myself in what would be meaning less to me.

My cellphone rang and I pick it.

" Hi Donald, isn't it too early to call your boss? " I said smiling.

" Don't give me that, you didn't tell me about your trip. I just heard it from the news right now "

I roll my eyes. What's going on with TV news today.
First it was the Mikes news and now my news.

" I'm sorry, the schedule was changed last night right after you left. I will be back before next week "

" You better be, thanks for the workload anyway "

" You are welcome " i replied laughing. I hang up then and gaze ahead.

Yes! Workload must await you at the office today.

I saw Mel walking hastily towards me and i cross my hands wondering what is it this time.

" Mr michealson just call, he said you should get on his private jet with his daughter "

" Forget it, I won't " i said walking away.

" He is your boss for goodness sake jack "

I halted before turning to stare at Mel sternly my temper reaching it's limit.

" Do i look like i care? If i want to ride in a private jet i would have took my own so please ... "

" Well no sit for you either here and it's getting late "

" No way, you don't mean it right ? " I asked him in surprise.

I know this is only a way to get me into that jet with Jane.

I clenched my jaw.

" Once we arrive at our destination i will surely kill you " i said gritting my teeth as i made to the direction of the jet.

Twenty minutes later i was seated with jane on our way.

" Jack do you remember the first time we ride together in this jet? " I heard her asked me slowly after many minutes of awkward silence.

I shut my eyes as the memories of that day engulfed me.

We have been the only one in the jet that day on our way to her father's anniversary.

We have made series of love with a lot of kisses.

It's a wonder she never get pregnant at our lustful acts.

I open the book i was holding , pretending to be interested in it.

I stare at the pictures of the models there and i flinched when i saw Jill's picture.

I smile absently Tracing her face with my thumb.
Jane must have noticed this because she lean over to get a better look at the picture.
I heard her snort.

" Who is she? You know her ? " She asked.

I turn to her smiling " sure, who wouldn't know Jillian Don "

She gasp " oh , the model from Claw foot club? "

I nodded " Yes " i smile looking away.

" But what is so funny about her ? "

" No , i just remembered the way she made me feel in bed "

I heard her exhaled sharply in great shock. I turn to see her eyes Burns with jealousy.

Great! Just what i wanted.

" You don't mean to tell me you are involved with her in any way "

" I am, actually she is the real reason I'm taking up this contest in the first place "

Her mouth flopped open im surprise , i smile gently.

" You are kidding, i know vividly well that you didn't get involved with any lady since you broke up with me "

" Yes but now I'm in love with Jill so i think you should drop any ideas of us getting back together "
I told her gently before continue staring at Jill's picture.

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