CHAPTER FIFTEEN: No one to trust

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Han alighted from the car without saying any word as we arrive at the hospital.

I followed him immediately not minding the risk of my sponsor knowing.

I could hear people gasping as they saw me.

" Isn't that jilly ? " I heard a young lady say.

" She sure look very beautiful  " another commented but i ignore them all and follow han towards Maureen's room.

He flipped open the door urgently and  he saw a doctor, or should i someone who poses as a doctor in the process of injecting Maureen.

" Stop " He yell at the man who wore a lab coat and has his nose covered up.

The man stop immediately and turn toward us.

His eyes got wide open as he saw han. He revealed his face and i gasp in shock.

" He is the one i saw " i said to han shakily as i stood behind him.

The man walk toward han in surprise.

" What are you doing here buddy ? " He asked.

Han look at him squarely in response.

" I should be the one asking when you become a doctor " he said smirking.

" Huh.. oh you mean this ? " He asked han as he held up the injection.

" I am taking care of a job given to me by someone. One of those things we did back then you Know " he replied easily and i yelp in frightness.

What of those things they did in the past ??

Oh my God , does that mean han too has been someone more than a stalker ?

" I have to do this quickly and leave before i am discovered. " He said urgently and return to Maureen side.

Han dash towards him and snatched away the injection from him , the other man was so amazed at what han did.

" Don't do anything stupid like you did in the past, Mr Mike won't forgive you this time " he said and was about to retrieve the injection from han when the door open and Jack comes in.

The look on his face shows me he clearly understood what was going on.

In a twinkle of an eye i saw him dash towards the strange guy with broken nose and gave him a punch.

I gasped in shock and surprised.
The strange guy quickly took to his heel as he successfully get himself freed from Jack's grip.

I look towards han and i stepped back.

This can't be happening, no wonder he is not much of a talkative.
I'm sure he knows much more than he is letting on.

" What is going on here ? Where's Laura? " I heard Jack asked loudly.

I turn to him.

" Who's Laura ? " I asked him confused and he stare at me in the same manner.

" You didn't see anyone here when you enter ? " He asked breathlessly.

" No, we only saw that man wanting to inject your sister again. " I said shooking my head.

He sighed trying hard to be calm.

" I thought i made it clear to doctor Joan to never let anyone in "

The door open again and an elderly woman entered.
I think she is Laura.

She stop as she noticed Jack's angry face.

" I stepped out because the doctor told me to " she said quickly as though she knows what has taken place and was scared of Jack's fury.

I heard Jack sighed again.

My phone buzz and i stare at the screen.

Great! My manager is calling.

I declined the call and stare at jack who was thinking of what to do.

Joan entered the room and stare at everyone.

" What's going on here ? " He asked as he was confused.

" I'm taking my sister home today " jack announced.

" What? I thought we agreed to discharge her tomorrow? " Joan asked clearly clueless.

" I'm taking my sister home ... TODAY "   Jack repeated calmly as he emphasized on the last word.

Joan nodded and went out.

" I think we should go han, there's nothing we can do here " I told han quietly.

He turned to me and shook his head.

" I don't think that would be possible " he said to me silently as well and i look at him with surprise.

" Let's speak privately " i said and step out to a corner.

He joined me seconds later and i look at him.

" What's going on ? Why won't you go home with me ? " I asked confusedly.

" I will like to stay with Maureen " he said easily and i look up at him.

" Jack will take care of her. Do not worry. " I told him as my cellphone buzz again but i ignore it.

" I will stay with Maureen tonight , please " I heard him say and i drop my head tiredly.

Something is bothering han so much but he is not speaking up.

" Do you think Jack will let you in his home ? " I asked him

" He has no choice, we just save his sister for the second time today "

" I don't think that is enough reason han. Don't you see how he look at laura. It's obvious he trust no one now "

" He trust you "

I blink rapidly.

" I don't understand " i said

" He trust you, if you tell him you're going with Maureen I don't think he will stop you. "

" And why will i do that ? I call off all my schedule today because of Maureen. I need to rest too and i know Jack is the best person who can take care of her "

" I will tell you all about Mr Mike if you help me to convince jack mayor " he said urgently and i opened my mouth.

" Well if that is what you propose then it's a deal " I said and walk into the room but it is empty.

" Do they leave us ? " I asked in surprise as i race down to towards the exit.

I saw jack as he was about to enter his car.

" Jack wait a second " i said as i race towards him.

He stopped and look at me.

" Don't you think you're doing yourself no good by doing this publicly " he said and i turn to see people looking at us.

" I will go home with you jack, I'm worried about Maureen too " i said breathlessly.

" And why do you think i will let you into my home jill? "  Jack asked me stiffly.

I straighten and stood my ground

" Because i has somethings to tell you about how we find out that another attempt will be made to kill your unborn neice or nephew "
Jack look at me and smile.

" I would love to hear that , you can follow "

" Okay " i replied and entered into my car.

Jack entered his as well and drove off.

I sat beside han and the latter drove off following jack.

" Why would you want to watch over Maureen today ? " I asked han because the more i think about it the more i cease to understand why han is doing this.

" Because Mr Mike has people everywhere that can easily harm Maureen " he said slowly.

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