CHAPTER FORTY TWO: Jill and Jane encounter

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Jillian's Pov

It's been almost two week Jack visited me in Joan's hospital. I stare at the TV in front of me in my father's living room.
I look away slowly from the image of Jack Mayor with the medal.

Normally I'm very excited but not surprised that he won but the lady beside him in the picture makes me boiled in great anger.

I grab my cellphone to call him again but as usual he didn't pick.

I breath out shakily regretting and scolding myself for yelling at him to go out that day.

I have been discharged five days ago from the hospital. My face , skin has gotten back to normal if not more beautiful thanks to the man who has refused to pick my calls.

I wonder where i go wrong. My cellphone buzz and i jump at it's sound.
I quickly grab it but roll my eyes before declining.

I have made it crystal clear that i do not want to work with claw foot club ever again.

If they could dare make an attempt damage my skin then i guess i do not worth anything to them.

I picked up my cellphone to call han. He pick it after the third ring.

" Han? How have you been? " I asked anxiously.

Just like Jack who has been ignoring my calls i noticed Han too somehow avoiding me.

He has stayed with me throughout my sick days but as soon as i am discharged and he has driven me to my dad's house five days ago i haven't heard from him.

I'm sure he must be at Jack's house Caring for Maureen since Jack isn't at home.

" I'm at the airport, jack will arrive today " he said and my heart skip a beat. I hung up immediately.

I jump to my feet , grabbing my cellphone to check the time.

Oh! There is still time.

I dash into my room to get prepared, my dad must have heard the bustle Because he came running into my room with surprise expression.

" What's going on young lady ? " He asked when he saw the happiness in my eyes .

I laughs " I'm getting ready, jack mayor will arrive soon " i said grinning from ear to ear.

I heard my dad sighed " Jilly can't you let go of jack mayor and go back to claw foot club? " He said ,i stiffled when i heard the hint of sorrow in his voice.

I frown in confusion.
Something must have happened when i was on my sick bed.

How did my father know I'm into Jack Mayor?
As far as i know I haven't inform him on my relationship with the swimmer.

But then he just mention claw foot club. I scoff, i will be dead before i work at that company again.

" Since you know i love jack mayor then i guess you know it will be pointless to persuade me "

I saw him look away guiltly.

" Just be careful " he said before walking away.

I give him a small smile in response before i turn to my dresser.

I have had some of my clothes been brought in.

After preparing and smiling for over three hours i finally settled on a tight fitted short gown that stop just above my knees. I wore a golden earrings that dangles at the swing of my head.

Getting my legs into a white heels to make me more beautiful than necessary.

I stare at the make over kit but later give up the idea.

I look beautiful with makeover already. I smile at myself in the mirror knowing fully well that Jack would have arrived by now.

I picked up my white bag to match with my heels and then my cellphone.

I roll my eyes when i saw that i missed almost thirty calls from Zach, twelve from Mr Mike and approximately three hundred from Lorie, Diana and Larry.

I sighed sadly at the thought of them.
Since i have decided to quit being modelling for Claw foot club it will be hard on them.

I however shrug off the though smiling, tonight is about jack mayor.

I step out to my car , driving off to jack mayor mansion.

After a nice long drive i finally arrived at his place.

I smile brightly as i saw his car. Although they are various cars parked in his garage but i recognize the one he took to the airport because the media has shared the picture on TV.

I ring the doorbell waiting patiently for someone to open the lock door.

I see Jack mayor has realized that the mikes means business since he's bolting up his door now.

The door open suddenly and my knees went weak when i saw the lady in the TV at the entrance.

Has jack mayor been dating this lady? Is that why he has been ignoring my calls? .

My mind filled with many questions that only jack mayor could answer.

I plaster my professional smile on my pretty face.

" Hello , I'm here for Jack Mayor. Is he in ? " I told the lady coolly even though my real desire was to grab her by the hair and pull her out.

She must have know me because she smiles before calling me by my name.

" Oh it's Jillian Don, well why would you want to see jack? He's busy in the bathroom right now " she said and my heart dropped into my stomach, my knees threatening to give way as well but i held on.

" Oh really? Then i will wait for him. Step aside " i tod her gently as i felt the patience in my running out but the lady is kind of ready for a fight because she attempted to close the door.

I push open the door and step in looking around the living room.

I saw her bag on the couch and i smile.

" Looks like you just got here as well " i said smiling.

I headed upstairs to Jack's room without waiting for her reply but she held me suddenly by my wrist.

I yelp in pain when her nails dig itself into my white skin.

" For goodness sake I'm a model, do not get physical with me because my skin cost a fortune " i told her honestly.

I really don't brag and i wasn't bragging.

It's true my skin cost a lot of money now thanks to the business tycoon i am dating.

The lady block my way and i roll my eyes impatiently.

" What do you think you are doing jane? "

My heart skip as i heard Jack's voice.

I look up very my slowly to see him descending the stairs.

I smile inwardly in happiness as i allow myself to be lost in his world.

He appear to be more handsome than ever with his normal mode of dressing.

A Black baggy short and a long sleeve top.

His gaze was at my face all the time.
He walk before me ignoring the lady he called jane completely.

" You are here " he said gently and i shut my eyes in great relief.

I move closer to him bringing my lips to his.
He took the lead almost immediately after the contact was made.

" I miss you so much " i whispers into his mouth but he stiffled me by thrusting his tongue further.

Yes, this is more like it! I miss this man.

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