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Jillian's Pov

I was terrific and my hands were shaking when i dialed Joan's number.
Fortunately he picked up immediately and i urgently tell him what's going on, he hang up and i stare at the cellphone dumfounded.

Why did Joan hang up.

I walk to the bed side and i saw Han gasping for air.

The door flipped open and Maureen came in with Joan.
I blink rapidly to be sure if he was the one.
I stare at my cellphone and back at Joan.

He glance at me.

" Luckily i was a few block away, everyone knows Jack mayor's mansion. " He said before quickly attending to Han.

" Come out here, we need to talk " i heard Jack bark at Sally and he stepped out of the room.
Sally, who hang her head down almost regretfully follow jack mayor.

" Can you save him ? " I asked Joan and he turn to me.

" Thank God you called me quickly, i think he will survive " he said and i sighed in relieve.

I turn to Maureen who stood still with dry eyes staring at han.

" Would you like to step out Maureen? " I asked her but she shook her head in negative.

" I will stay with him, go and check on jack please before he did something terrible to Sally " She said and i dashed out.

I could hear jack voice coming from the living room and i quickly descend the stairs.

" Is that why ? " I heard him asked.  his back was facing me.

" Yes, do you know what it feels like to be rejected by a man i have love all my life? " She asked jack who stood still.

" That isn't enough reason to take a life, i was the one who rejected you. Why would you vent your anger on han. He is just a chauffeur for goodness sake " jack yell at Sally.

Cold sweat broke out from me as i witness the anger of jack mayor.

" Exactly! I did that because he is jillian Don's chauffeur. Who does she think she is to think she could get into your life so fast ? " Sally yell as well in anger.

She stare squarely at Jack.

" How does that bothers you? Huh " he asked as he stepped towards her.
" You're nothing to me Sally and you never will be because you just blown away your chance " He said with disgust. Sally face twitch in fury.

She look pass Jack's shoulder and to me.
Her hand clenched into a fist and she walk out angrily without saying any word.

I sighed softly and jack turn to stare at me.

" I think i just got myself unemployed jack. " I said silently.

He walk towards me.

" If anything goes wrong i will always have your back. You have risk your career to be with me already... It's the least i could do " he said smiling.

Joan descend the stairs and walk to us.
" He is stable now. Let him rest, no mistake this time ... Okay ? " He said, jack and I nodded.

" Good, i will take my leave now " he said.

" I will get back to you about the bills " jack said and Joan smile.

" Thanks Jilly for introducing me to Jack Mayor. He paid handsomely the other time " joan said and i laughs.

" You deserve it " i said.

Jack see him off to the door.

I goes up stairs to check on Han. Maureen was there.

" Joan said he's going to be fine " i said and Maureen smile at me, jack appear in the doorway.
He walk to han bed side and peer into his face.

" He look so pale, he's a survivor " he said and smile.

I watch him smile and i look away, jack mayor is a sexy devil in human's clothing.

He turn to his sister.
" Won't you get some rest? " He asked Maureen who look at him and quickly sat on the bed beside Han.
Luckily the bed is so wide to make room for another person.

" I am very comfortable here Jack " she said softly and i smile inwardly.

She is so scared of his brother. It's understandable, witnessing his temper.

He nodded , he turn to me.
" Come here , we need to talk " he said.

I walk out with him and into his bedroom.
I gulped down the lump in my throat.
The memory of the night before came flooding in.

I stare at him as i stood still.
He stood still as well and i could see the seriousness boldly written on his face.

" Be mine Jill " he said suddenly and my mouth flipped open at his word.

He quickly continue " I Know it is sudden, i know everything is Happening so fast and i will understand if you decline but i just want you to know i want you. The way a man want a woman. "

I exhaled sharply at his words.
I blink back tears as i stare at him in surprise.

" Jack ... I do feel the same way but i ... "

Jack interupted me by pulling me to him.

" No but, no one reject Jack Mayor " he said before capturing his mouth with my own. I moan softly when i felt an unexpected searing intimacy unlike anything i had ever experienced.

" Jack " i called softly easing away from his embrace.

" Not now " he begged, he finally pull away slowly to stare at me.

" What is wrong jill ? " He asked huskily.
" About what you said earlier... Does it mean i am your jill ? " I asked silently unable to meet his eyes.

He chuckled softly and nodded.
" Welcome to the mayor family Jill " he said.
He slid a hand into my hair, bending his head to bring his mouth next to mine.
I responded by lifting my arms around his neck, moaning softly.
Jack lifted his head to watch me when he slid his fingers into my dress to breast, slowly and tenderly his fingers stroking my breast.
My lips parted and he filled it in with his tongue, tasting and teasing over and over again.

" Jack " i heard my self said silently against his mouth.
He didn't give any response as his other hand keep exploring the contour of my breast.

" Jack.. I'm afraid " i managed to say pitifully.
He pulled away then to look at me, his eyes filled with great need and passion.

" I want to make love to you jill " he said hoarsely. " Will you let me ? "

I nodded.
He captured my mouth with his once again and my fingers get entangled in his blond hair.

He got me off my feet, my legs wrapping around him. Vividly i noticed he is hard underneath.
He lower me on the bed and settled down beside me.
He took off my clothes hurriedly and stare down at my body.
I gaze at him wondering why he stop suddenly.

" You're so beautiful " he says.
His hungry mouth sought mine once more. He pull my leg up and he get down on his knee to kiss my sensitive part.
I exhaled sharply when the contact was made and he glance up at me.

" Don't move " he order and i nodded.
He is in control of everything as he is in control now.
He send pleasure after pleasure waving through me before he finally cover his body with mine very slowly.
I felt a sharp pain accompany by pure sensual joy.
I moan softly and he increase his pace.
I shudders as i responded to this new feelings.
He crushed against me at the final moment as pleasure ran through both of us.
He turn to his side and lay down breathing roughly.

He turned to me
" You're mine now " he whispered softly.

JACK mayor's HEARTTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang