CHAPTER FOURTEEN: Back to the Lion's den

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Jillian's Pov

I watch with teary eyes as Jack flopped heavily on the couch and buried his face in his hand.

I sat down beside him but didn't say anything.
I know it must be so hard for him when he realized he has unjustly judge his sister.

" But who could it be Jack ? " I asked him wearily.

He turn to me with steady eyes and the happiness and humor from his face some minutes ago before we arrive has left his face.

" I will leave now, You should stay away from my sister and I. It is dangerous as you can see " he said and stood up.

I stood up as well immediately.

" There's no way i can do that, i won't run away cowardly just because... " I started to say stubbornly but he cut me off .

" Are you not even listening? " He asked angrily and i gulped.

" When did she arrive here ? " He asked me coolly.

" Yesterday night " i answered and i saw him laugh bitterly as though something occurs to him.

" I'm sure you do not know anything about the conflict between the Mikes and Mayors so just stay out if it , if anyone of them can nearly succeed in killing an unborn child under my roof then you won't be safe at all " he said calmly and walk out.

I bit my lower lip helplessly as i blink back tears.
Why does it hurt me so much to be rejected by him.

I shut my eyes as i heard him drove away. The memory of his sad face makes me clenched my hands.

I sat down tiredly for a long time without doing anything.

Finally i heard my father and han's voice.

" Jilly, you are here. I have been... " I heard his voice trail off as he realized I'm not listening.

He dash towards me and sat beside me.
" What's going on ? " He asked me and i look up at him.

" Maureen isn't the one who make an attempt to terminate the pregnancy. " I said to him and i heard him gasp.

I turn to look at han who was sitting too and his face shows surprised.
I smile, at least he display his expression this time.

I sat upright as an idea hit me.

" Han i think we should get going " i said urgently and turn towards my dad.

" Will you be okay? " He asked me faintly.

" Yes, i got han besides me " i said and stood up.

" Thank you han. He is such a great help today " my father said and han nodded slightly before going out.

I gave my dad a hug and promise him that i will call him if anything comes up.

I walk towards my car and sat beside han.

He look at me with surprised because i usually sat at the backseat.

" I'm sorry if i make you uncomfortable but i think there's something i should tell you " I told him silently and he look at me confusedly probably wondering why i am speaking quietly even though we are the only one in the car.

" I am listening miss Jilly " he said politely and i roll my eyes.

" Start the car first and stop being so polite " i said with tired voice and he smile briefly before driving away.

I didn't say anything else as my mind was filled with Jack's words.

If he did not want me to help i think that means he care about me and doesn't want me to get hurt.

I smile sheepishly at my thoughts.
I won't deny that i am trying to make myself feel better.

" Is it about Maureen mayor ? " Han asked me interupting my thoughts and i turn to stare at him with surprise.

When does he start any conversation?  I asked myself. If i am not mistaken as i stare at han steady eyes focusing on the way, i think he like Maureen or wait!

I shook my head, it can't be.
Han isn't like that.

" Yes ,it is about her. What do you think of the situation ? " I asked him watching his every facial expression.

" I think it must be the Mikes family who would be bold enough to harm Maureen "

I smile as i nodded.

I think something is off somewhere.

I noticed han gripping the wheel tightly as he explained.

Does he know Maureen mayor somewhere before we met her yesterday night ? I asked myself.

" Jack said we should stay off because  he doesn't want us to get hurt. I know Jack Mayor is said to be dominant and confident but he has a weakness and his weakness is someone he cares about. " i said worriedly.

" You're right , his only sister "

" But come to think of it , do you think something must have happened before we get there last night ? "

" I can't wrap my head around it. I don't think Zach mike will do that  " he replied worriedly and i smile again .
If anything i have discovered today it is that han Care a great deal about Maureen.
I have this hunch that he knew her before now.

" You said you was employed by my sponsor as my chauffeur when you retire "

He turn to me briefly before focusing on the road.
I know he's surprise as i change the conversation.

" Yes, i was hired as Zack Mike's stalker before i became your chauffeur " he said easily and i shriek in shock

" What? A stalker? " I asked in fright but he continues driving.

" Yes, Mr Mike hire me and a guy to be his son stalker and i take up the job since the pay was good.

" And what did you find out about him when you were on the job? " I asked him as i gave him my full attention.

" He was dating Maureen mayor as at that time " he replied.

I frown my face. Why is there so much mysteries concerning the two families.

" That can't be true, there's conflict between the two families ... Remember ? "

" Yes i know, i do not know the full story aside from that "

I sighed as many thoughts run through my mind.

" So what's the other guy doing now... I mean your partner ? "

" I don't know, i think he's still working for Mr Mike. I quit the job when everything get ugly.  He's not my partner, i hate everything about him especially his broken nose " he said shrugging and i stop breathing and held up a hand.

He glance at me in question.

" Did you just said a man with a broken nose ? " I asked breathing roghly.

" Yes, he had a scar on his nose and he love wearing ..." 

" sun glasses ... Right ? " I asked him with shock.

He glance at me in surprise.

" How do you know ? "

" Because i saw a guy like that at the hospital , han turn back ! " I said to him.

" Oh shit ! " Han swore as he make a turn and headed to the hospital

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