"Piss off, Mr. Genius." Karasu replied as both of them were stuck in a stalemate.

Before any of them could say anything further, Kurona rushed in stealing the ball.

"I got this Keisuke, just counterattack!" Kurona exclaimed as he quickly stalled and gave the ball to Hiori.


"Thanks, Kurona!" Keisuke said as he ran towards Hiori.

"Hiori, follow my lead!"

"Let's Go!"

Both immediately started trading passes between the players as if none of them were there. As soon as both of them reached the half line, Keisuke took off with the ball sweeping past the rest of the midfielders with blinding speed.

Then encountered the first defender.

"Oi, get out of my way!" Keisuke yelled as he did an elastico nutmeg easily getting rid of him.

"One down, two to go."

Quickly the next defender came in sliding but Keisuke lifted the ball and skipped past him with the last defender right on him quickly doing a roulette leaving him and the keeper alone.

Keisuke quickly pulled back his leg as the keeper came running out at him... And did a fake shot and ran past the keeper then softly kicked the ball into the net.

Team V 1-0 Team W

"GOOOOOOL!!!" Yelled Keisuke as he ran into the corner and slid.

At that time everybody was still confused as to how he scored, but they immediately ran towards him crushing.

"LET'S GO!!!"



"Keisuke, you did it!" Exclaimed Hiori as he helped Keisuke up.

"Of course I did after all like I said 'I'm the Strongest'." Keisuke smugly said.

"But... How?" Asked Kurona

"Don't think about the 'How?'. Think about how to celebrate our next goal!" Keisuke said smirking.

Soon enough the match resumed with Team W in possession and quickly attacked with Karasu leading in the front.

"Oi, what the fuck was that?" Asked Karasu as he charged right at Keisuke.

"Well, that was what the Strongest here can do, now if you don't mind I'll take this." Replied Keisuke as he tried steal the ball before Karasu swept the ball away.

"You're not the only one who's strong dumbass." Said Karasu as he feinted and eventually got past Keisuke.

"Woah... That was awesome... Shitty Raven..."

The play kept going as Karasu kept going past everyone easily and eventually scored.

Team V 1-1 Team W

"Oi, Kurona can you keep up with this time?" Asked Keisuke he placed the ball at the center.

"Tch... Of course, I can." Replied Kurona.

"Then... Let's go!" Said Keisuke as he passed the ball to Hiori.

Immediately he took off charging with Hiori trading passes between each other then Hiori sent a high pass towards Ishikari.

"Use your head, you giant." Said Keisuke as he ran up to Ishizaki

Quickly Ishikari headed the ball down to Keisuke. Keisuke dribbled straight into the box before he get any further Karasu got in front of him blocking his path.

Blue Lock: GeniusWhere stories live. Discover now