p2 rewrite

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A/N: good morning, afternoon, or night this is chapter 2 rewrite of bitchen ENJOY

Max and El both skated to the star court mall excitedly.  As they walked in they some how forgot how big it was so they were amazed by how it looked.  They head straight over to a clothing store and start picking out some rad new clothing and kinda had a fashion show.  When they finished they bought it all and headed over to El's house.

Mike called El making sure they got home safe after what had happened to Will, Mike on the phone says "hey ya'll never came back did you get home ok"? El replies "yes we are fine but are tired goodnight Mike." The phone hangs up.  Both the girls get ready for bed and both sleep on El's bed.

The next morning El and Max are cuddled up sleeping until Hopper knokes asking to come in El wakes up and says "sure" Hopper comes in "hey kiddo hope you slept well.. is Max still sleeping"? "Yeah she was tired and so am I can I go back to sleep"? Hopper says "yeah sure thing sorry". El replies "it's ok goodnight dad". And she passes out.

Hopper sits in the living room watching TV about an hour passes by and El and Max wake up and head outside the room to eat.  Hopper gets up and begins to make ego waffles.  "Thanks dad"! El says happy.  Max finishes her waffles and El finishes around the same time.

Later in the day Max heads home and El goes on her computer to watch some random videos.  A add said discover your Sexuality today! She was wondering what sexuality ment so she clicked on it.  She answered all the questions and the results said a word she had never heard before.

A/N: i really hope you like this part and I can't wait to find out what Sexuality!!! Try and guess what it is in the comments.  Thank yall so much for the love have a wonderful day!

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