Amiya: will not hurt them. I will never allow you!

Amiya growled her words out as a reddish glint painted her eyes, maintaining the barrier that was holding off Talulah's fire Arts.

The supreme leader in question was watching the ward of dark matter hold off her infernal flames to her slight amusement before launching more Fire Arts to break through her wide shield.

Dobermann: I can't believe it. Amiya is holding back Talulah's Arts all by herself?

Nearl: Even if she is capable of doing so, Amiya won't be able to hold her back for long! Her powers are too monstrous!

Amiya was kneeling with her hand stretched out, the large diamond sigil behind her small frame beginning to flicker wildly as she held a strained look.

???: That's enough little rabbit, you done all you can, now leave the rest to me.

As those words where uttered.

Talulah was instantly blasted away from the once hooded man that sends a shockwave that shook everyone to their core and took everyone their damnedest to not fall at the sheer power.

As she slowly regained her footing, the supreme leader of Reunion, on her knee, took a good look at the man before him. What drew her attention even more, was the... creature that loomed over him.

A huge winged beast the Bahamut itself that unleashed it loud roar.

For the first time in her life, Talulah flinched as she quietly muttered, rising up. Whoever he is, he has gained insurmountable power.

Talulah: Who... Who are you?

(Y/N): I'm just a Dokutah, passing by, remember that.

You said with a bit of a slightly cocky smile on your face while Talulah clicks her tongue in annoyance, and was irritated, and that alone is an understatement.

Talulah: Mephisto, Crownslayer.

Mephisto: Yes, Lady Talulah!

Crownslayer: What is it you need?

Talulah: Unleash your forces against Rhodes Island. Leave none of them standing.

(Y/N): I won't allow you!

Then suddenly you appreas in front of Talulah and attempted to strike her with your dragger but she quickly countered you with her blade.

Then Bahamut passes through you and Talulah as both Mephisto and Crownslayer attempts to joined her but quickly sent flying by the Bahamut's tail.

As it begins on bring carnage and rampage apon the Reunion as they tries to suppressed the enormous beast with their forces but having a hard time dealing with it.

There is no doubt that after what you did, Reunion is greatly rattled to their core thus...

This is the moment for Rhodes Island makes their escape unnoticed all thanks to your Arts that is serving as an distraction to the Reunion.

Back to your duel with Talulah she didn't seemed have expected that you we're capable fighting her, this even frustrated her even further and she used her Arts to keep you at bay.

The supreme leader of Reunion didn't expect a lone man to blindly dash through her flames, let alone punch her straight on the face, leaving her with a bleeding lip.

She looked upon the battlefield, a dark glare aimed towards the person that bent her pride 90 degrees sideways.

Talulah brandished her fiery sword, and in turn, while you unsheathed your knife.

The Dokutah is a Operator!? (Arknights x M!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now