•~chapter twenty-five: afterparty~•

Start from the beginning

"Eh?" Tanjiro said, with a bit of incredulity in his voice. "You really do want to take a dance with me?"

Kanao nodded once again. Tanjiro took her hand at this signal, and he gently guided her onto the dance floor.

Right when they stepped onto the dance floor, the band struck up a slow and jazzy waltz. All eyes in the room turned in Tanjiro and Kanao's direction, and whispers erupted all over the room like little hissing fires.

Tanjiro and Kanao were both unbothered by these whispers, however. Tanjiro hesitantly placed his hand on Kanao's waist, and she placed her hand on his shoulder.

Minutes passed as the two danced. All eyes were on them as the music continued to play. At one point, Shinobu, who had been watching the dancing, tried to storm up the dance floor and take her sister away from Tanjiro. However, Kanae gripped her shoulder and shook her head firmly.

"Can't you tell that Kanao is happy?" Kanae whispered. Shinobu followed Kanae's gaze and she saw a soft smile playing its way across Kanao's face.

Her mouth dropped open in shock, but she didn't argue on the matter any longer.

Another ten minutes passed before Tanjiro and Kanao left the dance floor. They went back to their usual seats and they both ignored the continuous whispering throughout the auditorium.

"I'm going to get us both some glasses of punch, okay?" Tanjiro said. Kanao nodded, and she watched as Tanjiro disappeared in the direction of the refreshment table.

She hadn't been sitting there for more than a minute before she heard a little "psst!" that was directed towards her.

Kanao whirled around in her seat as she tried to find the source of the noise. At last, her eyes fell upon a boy that was whispering to her from behind the doors of the auditorium.

She immediately recognized him as the blue-haired boy that she had served earlier at the maid cafe. He was signaling for her to come over, and so she did. When she came to him, she immediately noticed that he wasn't the only one there: the black haired brother was also there.

"I don't know if you recognize me from earlier, but it's nice to meet you again!" the blue haired boy said. "I couldn't introduce myself or talk to you earlier because of maid cafe rules...but anyway, my name's Matsuoka Tatsuo, and that's my brother, Matsuoka Wanrou."

Wan did not respond when his brother introduced him. His brother sweardropped, but he continued talking anyways.

"I know you're Tsuyuri Kanao from class 2-B," Tatsuo said, as Kanao nodded. "I noticed you had trouble communicating. Do you want to talk about it or anything?"

Kanao shook her head. She had her notebook with her, and she wrote, I was kind of looking for friends though...I have a goal to make 50 friends but right now I have 13.

Tatsuo's eyes widened. "Well, my brother and I could be your 14th and 15th friends, if you'd like."

Kanao nearly jumped for joy. That would be nice of you, she wrote.

"Kanao~san has been gone from the auditorium for quite a while." Wan said. "She should better get back, her friend must be looking for her."

Tatsuo jumped. "Ah yes! That's really all I wanted to tell you, Kanao~san...bye!"

Kanao waved goodbye to the Matsuoka brothers that were now her friends. There was a bounce in her step as she headed back to her seat.

Tanjiro was standing by her empty chair, holding plastic cups of cold punch in his hands. When he saw Kanao coming over, he breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Kanao!" he said. "I was wondering where you had gone...you seem happy, what happened?"

I made new friends, Kanao wrote.

"Oh, that's great!" Tanjiro exclaimed. "Here's your punch."

Kanao gratefully took the cup from Tanjiro and smiled, knowing that this night was one of the happiest in her life...because she had made new friends, and because she was hanging out with her first one.


A/N: Hey guys, I'm back! Sorry for leaving you hanging!

I'll be posting less frequently now, as you guys may have noticed.

I finally am able to post the pictures of my art onto Wattpad! If they're lopsided, ignore that...but anyways, here's my art on LadyLemur 's OC, Tsuko Izumi! The body is not that great, but I enjoyed drawing her!

If you want me to draw your OC, I can try and do so, but don't request too much stuff, since I draw on paper and that takes quite a bit of time

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If you want me to draw your OC, I can try and do so, but don't request too much stuff, since I draw on paper and that takes quite a bit of time.

If there's grammatical errors, let me know! I transitioned from writing on an iPad to writing on cell phone, and it's a little bit different.

That's all for me! Bye guys, and have a great day!

Word Count: 1440 Words ❤

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