CH 2

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A few days had passed since the day he met All Might. Nothing changed, Bakugou left him alone after the incident but habit brought him back. Midoriya grew to welcome the teasing, it was something to distract him. When things got too bad at school, Midoriya would sit on the roof. He found it relaxing to just sit and stare out at the city. Sometimes a student would find him, with the wind in his hair. They might join him and chat or they would leave, usually it was the latter.

Once Bakugou found him and just watched the greenette, silent. After a few minutes he would leave as soundlessly as he came, Midoriya never noticed. Today he had his ear buds in and was listening to music as he sketched in a new notebook. His mother suggested it and Midoriya had to admit, he enjoyed this new hobby. When he got home that day, Mom was still at work. Midoriya took the chance to clean his room of all his merchandise. He threw his notebooks in the trash and would have done the same with the merch if it didn't cost so much. So instead, he put it up for sale on ebay.

His room was bare, with only the necessities. His bed had white sheets and his walls were a pale grey. He never noticed just how much space the All Might merch occupied.

The wind grew stronger so Midoriya started to pack up his things. It was a saturday, he was honestly surprised that he was able to get here to begin with. He slowly started to stand up when a strong gust of wind blew him off balance. Panic started to set in when the weight of his bag fell over the edge, pulling him with it. He tried to scream but his throat was clogged with fear. This was it, this was the end.

He didn't even wince when tree branches grabbed at his clothes and hair. He closed his eyes as he hit the ground, the only sound he was able to make was a quiet groan before he lost consciousness.

@ @ @

Kurogiri sighed, finally away from the bar. Tomura was in a very bad mood today, he even tried to dust the man who practically raised him. Kurogiri wasn't sure what got on the bluenette's nerves but he learned the hard way to just give Tomura space. Already preparing himself for the mess he would find once he got home. Both men would take walks, however, while Tomura would get out to think and/or blow off steam. Kurogiri found walks relaxing and a good way to give his charge space.

Just as he was about to head home and check up on Tomura, he heard a small noise coming from the bushes. Curiosity got the better of the bartender and he peered around the foliage. There, laying in a bloody mess was a small, broken boy, fifthteen or so. He had green hair that hid the wound on the side of his head. Kurogiri felt a ping of pain in his chest for the boy. He was a villain who wasn't above killing, but he always felt bad when someone so young was hurt. Maybe it was because he had raised Tomura that he felt sympathy for the broken boy.

Knowing full well that he could get in trouble for what he was about to do, Kurogiri kneeled down to see if the kid was somehow still alive. If not, he could take the body for The Doctor. The man felt even worse when he felt a feeble pulse in the kid's neck. Without thinking, he scooped up the kid and opened a portal to The Doctor.

@ @ @

Kurogiri hadn't come back yet but Shigaraki didn't notice. He was so damn frustrated with himself, why couldn't he do anything right! For the past month, he had done nothing but plan different ways to introduce himself. With Sensei's permission he was finally able to make an impact on the heroes, let them know and fear Shigaraki Tomura, but doing was harder than saying. He had come up with countless ways for his introduction, ranging from destroying a town to going on a spree. The latter wasn't really how he worked though. Add insomnia to the mix and you have a very unbearable Shigaraki to deal with.

He honestly tried to keep his hands to himself, but he couldn't help it. When he was pissed he grew itchy, and when he was itchy he felt the urge, no, the need to destroy something. The bar was a mess but Shigaraki didn't feel like cleaning it up so he went to his room and started a game, ready to lose himself in the fictional world for a few hours.

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