Chapter 14- 4th of July*

Comenzar desde el principio

Teddy is playing with Wren and Cohen at the water table and the older kids are playing with the water balloons.

Elliot and his friends are versing Mia and her friends at ring toss, a few of Christians cousins are playing tic tac toe and Kate and Ethan are playing cornhole. Kate isn't doing that good and it's funny to watch.

The rest of the adults are lounging around, watching the kids and chatting.

I'm happy Teddy is getting along with the other kids. I'm excited for him to start daycare so he can have more friends.

When Carrick started up the barbecue most of the guys joined him. Including Christian who has snuck a beer. I don't know what it is with guys and barbecuing. They always gather around it once it's on.

I went over to Teddy and sat beside him. He splashed the water and I smiled.

While the food was cooking Grace decided it was time for pictures.

"Okay I need all of the little ones who want to stand in the front. I want to be able to see everyone so the taller people please stand in the back or at the sides." Grace said.

Once everyone was in place Grace set the camera up.

"David can you please move over just a little bit so we can see Elijah better." Grace said.

We were standing at the side. Christian had his arm wrapped around my waist and I was holding Teddy. I want one of there pictures framed at home.

After pictures I gave Teddy to my dad. He's going to get in the pool with him.

I smiled and took a picture of them. Christian wrapped his arms around my waist from behind then kissed my neck.

"Let's go upstairs." He whispered.

"Christian your family is here."

"We'll be quick."

I bit my lip then nodded. I held his hand and he guided me inside.

"Where are you two going?" Grace asked as soon as we walked into the kitchen. I looked over at her and her friend and smiled.

"Christian forgot to put sunscreen on. I don't want him to burn."

"Okay. Be quick." She said then continued talking to her friend.

I giggled and went upstairs. As soon as the bedroom door was closed Christian was kissing me, hard.

"Quickly." I whispered against his lips.

He nodded then started to undo my shorts. I kissed his shoulder and rubbed him over his swim trunks. I could feel him get hard under my hand.

He got on his knees and pulled off my shorts and panties. He kissed the inside of my thigh and I moaned.

He stood then laid me on my stomach on the bed. I heard him pull off his swim trunks then felt him rub my clit. I put my hand over my mouth and moaned.

He stopped and the next thing I felt was him thrusting into my. I kept my one hand over my mouth and gripped his blanket with my other hand. As soon as he started moving there was a knock on the door.

"Putting on sunscreen? Yeah, right. Hurry up and get dressed you two. Teddy fell and cut his lip." Kate said.

"Shit." Christian and I both said.

He pulled out of me and we both quickly got dressed. When I looked at Christian I noticed he was hard.

"You deal with that and I'll get Teddy."

I kissed him then went downstairs with Kate. We went outside and I picked Teddy up. He was crying so loud it made me tear up a little. He hid his face in my neck and whimpered.

"It's okay baby." I whispered and kissed his head.

I held him as Grace checked his lip.

"He's okay. Just a small cut." She said.

When Christian came down I handed Teddy to him. Teddy looked at him then smiled with tears in his eyes. Now it's time to eat.

While we ate I noticed Graces' friend looking at us weird. I just shook my head and focused on Teddy and Christian.

— 2 hours later —

It's getting dark. After getting dressed in warmer clothes we all went back outside. Christian kissed my cheek then Teddys head.

I smiled as the fireworks started. It startled Teddy then his eyes widened and he smiled.

"Happy 4th of July baby." He whispered.

"Happy 4th of July." I said with a smile.

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