Chapter 14- 4th of July*

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Wednesday July 4 2018

Today is the 4th of July. Yes I know it's Wednesday but we planned and everyone is able to make it.

Normally we have a big BBQ but so do the Greys. After a little chat we decided to have it at Grey Manor because they have more space. I invited Marlowe and her family and Teddy and I are going to meet Christians aunts, uncles and cousins.

He has two aunts, an uncle and thirteen cousins. He also told me a few of them have kids of their own. I'm excited to meet everyone.

We all stayed at Grey Manor last night so we wouldn't have to drive today and to help with setting up. When I woke up Christian was already gone. I checked on Teddy then went downstairs. I saw Christian sitting at the island with Elliot. I went up behind Christian and wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my cheek against his back.

"Good morning baby." He said.

"Good morning. You're up early."

"Love we went to bed at 9:30pm last night."

"I know. I was tired from the big shop yesterday and Teddy had so much energy."

"Well today he will definitely use all of his energy."

"Hopefully." I kissed his back then went over and made myself a tea.

— 2 hours later —

Everyone was awake and fed. We are now decorating. Elliot, Christian, Carrick and my dad are outside putting up decorations. Grace, and my mom are setting up a little water area for the kids. It had a couple little pools, a slip and slide and there are going to be water balloons. They are also setting up other games around the yard.

Right now the twins are playing with Teddy and Mia and I are getting the snacks ready.

— 2 hours and 30 minutes later —

People are starting to arrive and the party is starting. Mias friends and Elliot's are already here. So are Christians grandparents. Right not they're sitting on the couch listening to a story the twins are telling them. Teddy is sitting on grandpa Theos lap drinking from his sippy cup.

The doorbell rang so I went over with Christian to answer it.

"Ana this is my aunt Portia and her husband Walter. These are their kids Meghan, August and Elijah."

"It's lovely to meet you." Portia said then hugged me.

"It's nice to meet you." Meghan said. "This is my boyfriend Chester, our daughter Bailey and our baby boy Brooks."

"It's nice to meet you all." I said with a smile.

I introduced them to Teddy and the twins. I wonder with time Matt will get here. He stayed with a friend last night.

There was another knock in the door so I opened it with Christian behind me.

"This is my uncle Eddie, his wife Alice and their kids Raven, Oscar, Paisley, Mark and Felix."

"This is Heidi, my girlfriend, and our daughter Tillie." Oscar said.

"And this is my boyfriend Josh and our one year old Cohen." Paisley said.

"Our son Teddy is the same age." I said.

They all seemed to be shocked Christian had a girlfriend and a son. They haven't seen him for years.

— 1 hour and 30 minutes later —

Everyone is here and the party is now in the backyard. During Teddys nap Christians last aunt Beth and her husband Dominic arrived with their kids Delilah, Leah, Sarah, David and Caitlin. Sarah introduced me to her daughter Alicia then they joined everyone else.

Fifty Forever After 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora