Chapter 10- Shopping for Christian

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Friday June 15 2018

It's been just over one month since Christian and I watched the twins together. Spending the whole weekend with him and the kids just showed me more of how much of a good father Christian already is. I wish we lived closer to him.

Christians 20th birthday is in 3 days but the party Grace is throwing is on the Sunday instead of the Monday.

Christian doesn't know Teddy and I are coming for his party. He thinks we're away and coming down on Monday.

For tonight and Saturday night Teddy and I will be staying with Marlowe and her parents. They have a spare room they're letting us use.

When we got to Seattle we met up with Kate and went to Target. Thinking of what to get Christian was hard because I don't know what he has and doesn't have but I thought of the perfect gift. It is small but it's meaningful.

When we got to Target I put Teddy in that cart and walked inside. 

"So do you know what you're getting him?" Kate asked.

"I do. We got our first family picture taken a couple weeks ago. Kira took it for a memory on my phone and I forgot to send it to Christian. So I got it printed and I'm going to give that to him."

"That is so sweet. I'm sure he'll love it."

"I hope so. I thought about getting him something with it but I just don't know what." I said as we walked to the picture frames.

I picked up a black one and put it in the cart.

"I have to tell you something but you can't tell anyone right now." Kate said.

"Okay. What is it?"

"Elliot is looking for an apartment. He has his business and it's doing really well and he needs his own space. He said he didn't want to buy right now so he's looking for a place to rent."

"That's amazing. I'm so happy for him. Have you been apartment hunting with him?"

"Nope. He wants it to be a surprise even for me." She said and I smiled.

"This means you'll be able to have alone time. In a place with no parents or siblings around." I said with a grin.

Kate blushed and shook her head as she walked to the registers.

I laughed and followed her. I looked at Teddy and he was still distracted by my phone. I smiled and kissed his head.

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