Chapter 2: Daniel's Offer

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Ash, Pikachu, and the rest of his team who'd battled Daniel, including Greninja, rested near a wooded area just outside Wyndon City. The sky was turning slightly orange as day turned to evening, and they listened to the serene sounds of wind blowing through tree branches and wild Pokemon moving about.

Each of Ash's Pokemon remained close to him as they tried to take in their battle with Daniel earlier that day. Ash and his Pokemon had been humbled many times in their journey, but never quite like that, especially just after winning the World Coronation Series.

Even so, Ash forced himself to smile and motioned for his Pokemon to come closer.

"I'm very proud of you guys. Taking on Daniel Rian's Pokemon with such courage and determination. We have nothing to be ashamed of."

"Pika! Pikachu!!!"

Infernape and Dragonite soon nodded with similar expressions. However, Greninja did so more reluctantly. Charizard and Lucario, by contrast, couldn't shake off the look of disappointment.

Ash tried to console them when he and the others felt a powerful wind sweep over them and noticed many wild Pokemon flee in terror.

"So you decided to meet us after all." Daniel said as he flew in on his Charizard and shook the ground as he landed.

"It's hard to say no to the Pokemon Kaiser." Ash said, placing his hand behind his head.

Ash's Pokemon turned to greet them, but Charizard couldn't quite look out of shame and a hint of resentment, at least until he heard the King Charizard growl and nervously did so.

"I'm sorry we had to leave Wyndon city to talk. I tend to attract attention wherever I go." Daniel said, sweatdropping slightly.

"I don't mind. This was a nice spot to get away and clear my head." Daniel came over and sat beside Ash before staring off into the horizon with him.

"Are you doing ok? Serena explained to me your unique bond with Greninja."

Ash slowly nodded.

"We'll be fine, eventually. I've never quite felt anything like your Charizard before." Greninja and Charizard both sweatdropped while nodding in agreement.

"I suppose I should congratulate you, though. Overcoming Leon at such a young age."

"Maybe, but we were no match for you."

"I think you did better than you realize Ash." Ash took this sincerely, and soon even Charizard and Lucario started to feel a little better.

"I've been watching you for some time. You've come a long way since you started your Journey, Ash."

"You, you've been watching my career!?" Ash muttered in awe, quickly followed by his Pokemon.

"You're only sixteen, and you've become a regional Champion and reached the top of the World Coronation Series. It makes me wonder what you're going to do next."

Ash felt his stomach harden slightly, and his Pokemon saw the uncertainty in their trainer's eyes.

Since starting the World Coronation Series, Ash had remained entirely focused on this final goal. He hadn't put any thought into what he might new next.

".......I, I suppose there are other regions, other gyms, other leagues." Pikachu trembled when he heard a distinct lack of spark in Ash's voice. The passion and determination that drove him through so many regions didn't seem to inspire him like they used to, not after earning the title of regional Champion, not after the World Coronation Series.

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