12; Hajiya Babba.

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The first thing she noticed when she stepped foot in the room is that there wasn't any soldier in sight. Well, apart from the one seated on the bed, it's pretty much clear. Plastering a small smile on her face, she pushed herself to walk further into the lavish suite, once again, a bit awestruck by how much money the hospital put into making sure the VIP suites look the best.

"Good afternoon" She greeted, her gaze moving from the man on the bed, to the two people sitting on the chaise lounge. They seemed a bit identical, and considering how young they looked, she would say they are his children. Besides, they resemble him slightly, especially the young man.

The old man was the first to offer her a warm smile that eased her nerves, which she really didn't expect considering he made her restless the most. The two others offered her smiles too, before the man went back to whatever he is doing on his phone. The girl on the other hand, had her gaze fixated on the TV yet again.

"How are you?" Aslam's father asked, his warm smile never wavering. He wasn't blind to see the girl seems restless around him, he has picked that up from first visit and now. Speaking of which, he knew his son noticed it too, hence, why the guards aren't around. They will be back, obviously. But, whenever there's a doctor coming over-her in particular, they have been given a break of some sort.

She shot a brow hastily, as if not believing he asked her that. Her eyes were slightly widened, and her lips set into a tight line. It took a while for the wheels in her head to stop turning, and remember he asked her question. "Uhm..." That was when she realized how stupid she must've sound and looked. She cleared her throat slightly, before she answered, coherently this time. "I-I'm fine. Alhamdullilah"

His smile widened slightly, "Dr. Aishatu? Right?" He could remember Aslam telling him the name, and he was sure he's correct, but he still feigned the little act, hoping to start a small conversation with her.

She nodded, this time managing to respond fast without embarrassing herself. "Yes" Her lips stretched into a small grin. The fact that he hasn't said, or looked at her in a way that made her feel like she's being judged, makes him seem a bit friendly.

He nodded slightly. "I don't think I got to thank you the last time"

She blinked, a crease forming in between her brows. "Thank me?" Why would he thank her? She doesn't remember doing anything that will make him thank her.

"Yes, thank you" He didn't change his words, "I mean, you're assisting my surgery so it's only right I thank you"

"Ah" Her lips parted slightly, taken aback. When she recovers, she then waved it off. "Oh no, please. There's no need to thank me. I'm just assisting" She had been thanked by people before, but it still doesn't mean she's used to it in any way.

"Wait, you're assisting his surgery?" It was the girl that spoke, gaining her brother's attention. Her gaze was fixated on the doctor, before she flickered her gaze to her father who shook his head, chuckling lowly. That was all Yasmine needed to know she's the same woman her father told her about.

Aslam didn't tell her anything. Baba though, considering how close he is with his daughter, told her that her brother is being assisted by a girl he seemed to have taken an interest in. That of course, gained her attention because it's the first time she's hearing about Aslam being interested in someone since what happened. So, she wanted to see who the girl could be.

Aisha nodded, although she is sure the bit of confusion she felt considering the girl is asking her the question showed on her face. "Yes?" She answered, but it sounded more like a question.

Yasmine's face broke out into a wide grin, earning a wary look from Yazid.

"This girl is mad" He muttered under his breath, but it seems she heard him because she turned around and glared at him making him shrug, not caring that he has been caught.

Sincerely, Aishatu✅Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang