Training Together

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Bakugou and Uraraka have been training for three hours straight. The weather was starting to get warmer, making the training a bit more exhaustive.

Uraraka was handling her quirk pretty well, compared with how she used to. But the hot weather combined with the intense training was starting to make her feel dizzy. But of course, Uraraka also had her pride, she wouldn't lose this easily. Even if she was getting beat by Bakugou... like, a lot.

_what? *huff tired *huff already? - Bakugou teased.

_you*huff wish! - she said, panting.

Uraraka positioned her hands again. She'll try to make Bakugou float, just like in Sports Festival. But this time, she would do it for sure.

Bakugou came in her direction, as fast as a blink of an eye, his explosions pushing him forward.

She immediately blocked the attack.

Bakugou then, used his explosions to jump higher, and once he was in the air, he used his explosions to push him back down again.

"He wanted to literally crush me on the ground. Such a Bakugou thing to do." Uraraka thought, once again blocking his attack.

_HAH! YOU'RE *huff  SUCH A *huff CHICKEN! - he shouted.

Uraraka then ran into his direction, not as fast as Bakugou, but she was definitely faster than at the Sports Festival.

Her strategy? She would try to make Bakugou let his guard down, so she could make him float. Well, almost the same strategy as the Sports Festival (like i said), except that this time there was no rocks involved.

As soon as she approached him, Bakugou launched his explosions at her. And let me tell you, that hurts. The explosions made her go some steps back, but she wouldn't give up.

Bakugou came at her once again. When he was getting closer, he jumped over her.

"He wants to get me by my back! This might be my chance!"

She then, blocked his attack once again, but pretended to have been hit. The smokes from Bakugou's explosions made it hard for Uraraka to see... and well, eventually, for him too.

_hah! You *huff weak dumba-

Bakugou noticed her scheme, but it was too late.

With the smoke advantage, Uraraka quickly ran into his direction and was ready to touch his back and make him float. But then...

_DIE!! - he shouted.

And one more explosion was made. As an instinctively thing, Uraraka blocked the attack with her hands.

"Damn it! I lost my chance!" - she thought.

_hah! You brat!

Uraraka got into her fight position. She then, ran into his direction, this time, she was sure she was going to get him.

Well... remember when she was feeling dizzy? Well, this time she actually felt really dizzy. She felt like her head was spinning at the speed of light.

Result? Uraraka lost her balance for a second and tripped, making the two of them roll on top of each other.

_s-sorry. I lost my balance... - she said, her eyes closed, waiting for Bakugou to scream at her.

But Bakugou didn't say anything. When Uraraka decided to open her eyes, she saw Bakugou with a shocked face.

Well, it's kind of obvious, but Bakugou was on top of her (Cliché? Yeah, a bit).

Sweat falling down on his cheeks, that strong caramel scent. Those shiny Rubi eyes, which was even more pretty when up close. His breath tickled against her cheeks.

She was paralysed. She couldn't move, she couldn't do anything. She could only look at him. He also seemed to not know what to do.

I mean, it was very easy to get out of this situation, like, he just needed to get up. But somehow, he couldn't.

_u-um... B-bakugou? Can you like... get off of m-me?  - she said, finally getting out of that trance.

Bakugou seemed to finally "wake up", and immediately got up.

_thank you - she said, with a smile on her face.

_tch. Whatever.

_aw man... I really thought i would get you this time... - Uraraka spoke.

_HAH?! IS IF! - he shouted.

Uraraka flinched. She had a headache, and Bakugou's shouting wasn't really... helping.

Bakugou probably noticed, since he lowered his voice.

_yeah, yeah... guess i still have a looong way to go.

Uraraka scratched the back of her neck, feeling a little embarrassed.

_- did great...

Uraraka widened her eyes.


_you did... fucking great. So don't go around crying with this damn petty face of yours. You're ugly enough.

Uraraka was completely surprised. Did he just tried to... cheer her up?! Well, i mean, in his own way, of course.

_are you trying to cheer me up? Cuz if you are, you really need to improve this skill...

_SHUT UP, YOU - he stoped, probably remembering that Uraraka had a headache.

_pffft. I'll get going then! See you around!

_wait a damn minute! You think I don't fucking noticed your headache? Or how you looked like you were about to fucking faint?!

_oh! That usually happens when i use my quirk way too much... i was using it a lot before you came, so... - she said, fidgeting her fingers - plus, the hot weather and the intense training we had doesn't really help...


_but thank you for being worried, Bakugou~ - she said, teasing once again.


_yeah, yeah~ bye, Lord explosion murder! - she shouted while running.

Bakugou didn't say anything, and just watched as she disappeared through the trees.

Now that he was alone, he finally had time to process everything that just happened.

It could be from the sun, the hot weather, the intense training, even his quirk. Or maybe it could be from something else.

But one thing is for sure.

Bakugou had a shade of red on his face.


‼️Author: on‼️

OMG, I DID IT HAHAHA! I'm so happy I finally finished this... this chapter and the chapter 6 were supposed to be just one. But it got bigger and bigger, so i decided i would split it in two chapters.

Oh! Also, this is my first time writing a training scene, so i'm so sorry if it's not that good TwT (bear with me lol)

But i hope you guys liked it~


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