"OI! What the fuck are you looking at?!"

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The next morning, Uraraka had a hard time getting ready. Her sprained ankle was better, but it still hurt a lot.

After what it seemed an eternity, she finally got herself dressed, and was ready to go to class.

Of course she still had to use the cane, but she was glad that at least she didn't have to use something worse, like a cast.

She was near her classroom, when someone shouted her name:

_Uraraka! Oh my gosh! What did you do, girl?!

Uraraka turned around to see who it was. It was Mina.

_o-oh! Hi, Mina! I kind of had an accident yesterday. It's not that bad, just a sprained ankle. But Recovery girl gave me a cane, so that it can heal faster...

_ow, man! That must hurt... do you want any help to get to the classroom?

_no, no. I'm fine, don't worry! But thank you! - She said, smiling.

_no problem girl! Oh! I almost forgot! We are going to throw a little party this weekend! Wanna come?

_um... I don't know... I have to study for the upcoming exams...

_ow, c'mon! It's going to be fun! No alcohol, i promise! Besides, a certain green hair person will be there~ - Mina said, winking.

_a-ah... well... i'll see... - Uraraka said, with a shade of red on her face.

_yay! I'll be waiting for ya, hun! - Mina said, while opening the door of the classroom.

"Oh. We are here already?!" - Uraraka thought.

As soon as Mina opened the door, all eyes were on Uraraka (well, almost all eyes), which was a little uncomfortable to her. But no one said anything.

She then sat down on her seat.

"Ok! I can do it!" She thought.


After class, Uraraka finally got to the cafeteria, and as usual, Mina invited her to seat with the other girls.

_hey, girl~! - Mina said.

_hey, everyone! - Uraraka greeted.

_Girl! Just what the hell happened to you?! - Jirou exclamed.

_oh, this... well, i had i little accident at the stairs...

_Oh my god, it must've hurt a lot! - Momo replied, with a frown on her face.

_yeah, it did! But i'm feeling better now...

_that's good to hear cuz~ - Mina said, with a smirk - we are going to party this weekend, girls!

_oh yeah! I almost forgot to ask, Mina! Do you want me to bring anything? - Momo asked, now with a smile.

_nope! We have everything ready! The only thing you need to bring is your party spirit! Hehe~

All girls laughed.

While the girls were having their time together, the boys were talking about... something boys would talk. Well, mostly Kirishima, Sero, Kaminari. And Bakugou.

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