Cleaning day

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Someone's knocking at the door. At that hour, who could that be?

_oi! Round face! You fucking awake? - the voice said. Well, there's only ONE person that calls Uraraka "Round face".

Uraraka ran to the door, and opened it.
Bakugou was wearing his pyjamas, and had a gray purse in his hands.

_ah! Bakugou! W-what are you doing-

_is this your shitty purse? Fucking raccoon eyes told me to bring to ya, since my dorm is near yours. - he interrupted.

_oh, yes, it is! Thank you so much! - she said, with a soft smile.

He just gave her the purse and walked away.

"Wow. So cold." She thought.

The next morning was a Sunday, which was also a free day to them, but not actually. On Sundays, they usually take out the trash and discard old stuff they don't use anymore. It was more like a cleaning day.

Uraraka had a lot of things she didn't use anymore, like, A LOT. It was boxes and boxes of useless or old things, which to her, was surprising, since she didn't even had money for all of that stuff (or at least that's what she thought until now.).

"How am i going to carry these boxes to the first floor?! I'm going to take all day! And i still have to finish my homework!" She thought, already feeling tired.

But there was no escaping, she HAD to do it.

So she started with the small boxes, taking three per time.

While she was going downstairs, she found Kirishima, who also had some boxes and some garbage bags.

_hey, Kirishima!

_hey, Uraraka! Also taking the trash out, huh?

_yeah... there's more old and broken stuff than i imagined, haha!

_ow man! Same! It's so tiring...

_haha, yea- ouch! - something fell on her head, and when she looked down to see what it is, someone screamed:

_can you two stop fucking talking?! WE ARE LITERALLY AT THE STAIRS!

Oh. It was Bakugou.

_was it YOU who dropped a box on me?! - Uraraka exclaimed.

_well, if you were not on my fucking way, this shit wouldn't have fallen on your head!

_oh, so now it's MY fault?!

_c-calm down, guys - Kirishima interrupted, trying to calm the both down.

_shut the hell up, shitty hair.

_hmpft. Never mind, Kirishima. Let's just go. - she said, trying to ignore Bakugou.

And if there was one thing Bakugou hated, was when someone ignored him.


But when he looked at where Uraraka was supposed to be, she was gone.

Now Bakugou was even more pissed.


Uraraka was at the hallway, taking the last few boxes from her room. She was happy she would be finally free. Well, sort of.

"After this, i can finally take a break and eat something~"

She then started going downstairs. She had a slipper that wasn't actually so great. It was slippery, and there was even some times that if weren't for her luck, she could've fallen.

And well, let's just say today wasn't a lucky day to her.

Before she could react to anything, she was at the last step of the stairs. She stared, in shock, for at least five minutes. Then, a blonde spiky hair boy approached, with a shocked face too.

_what the fuck did you do to end up like this?! - he asked.

Wow, great! Of everyone, it had to be Bakugou to see her like that.

_o-ouch... i slipped! - she said, with tears in her eyes - i had a few boxes in my hands, so I didn't have enough time to react.

She had her hands on her back, and muttered in pain.

_you fight and train every fucking day and now you are crying because you fell down the stairs?! If you are this weak, you should see Recovery Girl, to see if you didn't broke any bones.

_wow, you sure have your way to care with others! Anyways, in battle i'm ready to "get hurt"... so the situation is different! - she answered, while trying to get on her feet. - ouch, ouch, OUCH!

Bakugou just watched her trying to miserably get up. He then, sighed in disappointment.

_stop looking so miserable. - he said, while putting his boxes aside. - just fucking give me your hand.


_don't test my patience. You fucking heard me the first time.

Uraraka looked at him, like he was from another world. She was even more shocked then before. THE Bakugou was offering help?!

_don't get so full of yourself, round face! I'm not doing this because i care. If i don't help you, I'll probably get in trouble or something. So just take my fucking hand and go to that old woman. Before i regret.

Uraraka still hesitant, grabbed his hand and got up. Her back was hurting a lot, and she probably sprained her ankle.

Bakugou probably noticed, since he suddenly supported her on his arms, without saying a word.

*five minutes later*





That's it. He lost the last bit of his patience. If you even can call it like that.



He then turned around, leaving her alone in the middle of the hallway.

_I don't need your help... - she whispered, to herself.


_there, it should help. - Recovery girl said, while patting Uraraka's head.

_you really can't use your quirk to heal it faster? It's not even that bad! - Uraraka said, pouting a little.

_i'm sorry, kid... that would waste a lot of your energy, even if it's not that bad. I'm sure that by tomorrow, it'll be better!

Uraraka just sighed.

Recovery girl gave her a cane so that she can have something to help her to walk. It wasn't as bad as a broken leg, or a broken feet, but it still hurts like hell.

While she was walking to her room she felt like she forgot something.

"The boxes! I totally forgot about them!"

She then walked back at where she left her boxes. But when she got there, they were gone.

"Huh? But who could've...?"

Since the boxes wasn't there anymore, she went back to her room.

She was trying to find her keys when she noticed a small white paper, sticked on her door:

You owe me one, round face.

And you know, there's only one person that calls Uraraka "round face".


‼️Author: ON‼️

Until next chapter ✨

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