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I was bullied my whole damn life that I don't even feel pain from their baby hits anymore. I'm an outcast, and I've received every kind of treatment. So much, that I'm not surprised to what new those demons come up with to torture me.

But to think that the most popular guy will sing a love song to me...
-She is a monster in disguise
And she knows all the words to the trap songs
Takes pics with a cherry-red lipstick
Says she only dates guys with a big (mmm)

Did he Google "goth girls" and wrote a song from it?! I don't even post on social media. And I never dated real people.

... I fell in love with an emo gurl
I'm in love with an emo gurl
I fell in love with an emo gurl
All I want is an eeeeeemoooo gooooorl~~~~~~~~~

Everyone was lookin-glaring at me, especially that guy's fangirls. If looks could kill, I would be rotting in hell right now. I'm scared of what they'll do to me after... and as much as this might sound like a victim, I honestly just wanted to make friends... 


-hey look at that girl she's ~shyyy~! let go see how  long she'll keep up before snapping haha!

-good idea!

they started by doing silly pranks like putting insects in my desk, or throwing frogs on my face. When I finally had enough courage to ask them the reason.

-wh-why do you keep doing this to me..? D-do y-you hate me?

-of course we don't hate you! i'm sorry if you didn't like it... Since this is how friends treat each other..

-w-we're friends? R-really?!!

-of course..! we are the best of the best friends...

End of flashback;

At that time, I was a clueless and naive girl, but not anymore. I'm now a suicidal girl with mental issues! this is mostly the reason why I'm about to jump off a cliff. 

I leave school and write a letter and write down the name of my bullies, making sure to exaggerate the events even if they are already extremely bad, I also put the abuse i've received from my family and give it to a kind police officer that more or less knows of my situation, then run off to my house. I take two box at the same time, to make sure they won't be able to save me.


This wasn't what I was supposed to feel.. I thought that doing it with these won't be painful at all. Guess I was wrong.

My chest, my heart ache. I can't cry, I can't scream, I can't even grab my chest in hope of lessening the pain. I'm just on the floor, paralyzed, can't even fight back my own body, and feeling an unbearable pain killing me softly.

I slowly open my eyes, the brightness of the room was too much for my eyes. Wait, I'm awake? am I not supposed to be dead?! No friking way. They could save me?! HOW?! now what should I do, the embarrassment is just too much for me. This might even be a good reason to do it again.

-Marinette! My daughter!

french? and how am I able to understand it? I only learnt Japenese, Chinese and Very Ancient Korean (I wanted to feel powerful by knowing a language no one talked with anymore) aside from English bruh, but wait, Marinette?! i have the same name as Ladybug? wow. An honor. No bitch what, who changed my name? even if Jessica was quite an half assed name, it's still better than marionette or whatever!

As my eyes get used to the brightness, the googly forms now look like a Titan and a cute asian mom. They strangely look like ladybug's parents... what if i'm reincarnated haha, that would be so "what the fuck" haha...

kill me.

Since i'm in the hospital i must've gotten into an accident, I'll be able to get information of the situation.

-it's hurts...

-Awh my sweet daughter! you must have hit your head too hard by falling off the stairs!


-it must've been the case yeah... Am I in the hospital? Is it too bad?

-don't worry sweetheart, you just need a few days of rest.

-Ah then that's good.

I act relieved.

-can I sleep a bit more though? I feel exhausted.


-yes sweetie, we'll leave you alone so you can rest comfortably.

-thank you.

After they've left, I start reprocessing everything.

Why am I not dead? why am I not in my body? why, WHY AM I IN A KIDS' SHOW?! How is it even possible?! why am I getting a second chance in life when i've never done anything good in my life, my past life now. I can't believe that this is happening to me, I wonder if i'll ever adapt... No wait, what if everything is taken away from me once I feel good in this place? 

What if Marinette's friends are suspicious of me? What if they dislike me for being myself and not for acting like Mari? What if the Master take away my miraculous once he figure out that i'm not her? Can I really enjoy someone else's life? She had precious friends around her, they liked and treasured her. Wait no, but in that one episode when they all turned against her because of some new kid? they were huge piece of shits... 

Not even them can be trusted. And did I already tell Alya about my secret? I hope not. Where am I in the story? Should I reveal Shadowmoth's secret immediately or should I just go with the flow? What am I supposed to think, say and do?!

Should I just give up on life? I'm not fit for all these responsabilities.

I can't give up this life too, now that i'm Marinette I can finally be surrounded by people. unlike how I was in my past life, I can be useful. 

ugh... To think that I had to steal a character's role to be able to realise what I was never able to do... It's crushes my pride a little. (what pride? you sorry ass victim)

I feel insulted for some reason? let just ignore that.

I was exhausted after all that thinking so I tried to sleep, and I was surprised next morning when I found out that I slept 10 whole hours. My insomniac ass isn't used to double digit, and even less to a number higher than 2(hours). from now on, sleep is my new hobby, I couldn't do it but now I can! I even feel more cheerful and less empty, guilty and shitty, I also didn't have my morning breakdown when my blanket fell off the bed. 

I will never waste this healthiness with drugs or smoking! and even less with toxic people! First time I ever felt happiness for such a long time (15min have passed since she woke up).

Let turn on the TV; oh break news about an Akuma attack? Oh right, I'm in Miraculous now... I'M LADYBUG! AAHH I FORGOT.

-Marinette! you know what to do right?

-right Tiki, SPOTS ON!

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