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From the moment she saw the clouds in the sky, Jamie knew it wasn't going to be a normal day. As soon as she gets to the beach, the water looks dark and murky. Even Glick comments on it but for the first half of their shift, not much happens. That is until...

"There's been a possible shark sighting," As soon as the words leave Hoppo's mouth, Jamie turns and jumps up from her seat on the desk.

"Really?" She asks and Hoppo nods.

"It does look very sharky," Jesse whispers while lifting the binos to his eyes.

"Yeah, one of the lifesavers reported one of the shark nets had been pulled down. We've got to check them."

"Time to launch the ski," Harries grins while slipping his black rashie over his head. "Who's going with me?"

"Not again," Glick shakes his head and stays seated firmly in his chair. The others all share a laugh before Jamie lifts her arm.

"I'll go," All eyebrows shoot up as eyes turn to her. "What? I want to see a shark."

"I thought that was just a faze," Hoppo grumbles and Jamie rolls her eyes.

"Nope," Jamie shakes her head. "They're still cool. Well, when they're not eating people. It'll be fine, me and Harries will go and be right back before you know it." Looking between Jamie and the others, Hoppo has a look of debate on his face and Maxi stands up to place his hands on Jamie's shoulders.

"Come on, Hop, the girl wants to go, let her go," He says while shaking her a little. "That's the job, right?"

"Be careful,"

"Yes," With her quiet cheer, Jamie leaves to change into the proper attire and grab a life vest while the others get the ski out.

Launching the ski goes smoothly and with Harries on the front, Jamie stands behind him and holds onto his vest in a white-knuckled grip. The further out they get, the girl's nerves start to make themselves known. Maybe she shouldn't have been so quick to volunteer. But no way she can back out now.

"This is scarier than I thought," Jamie admits to Harries with a nervous laugh when they stop moving. The man himself lets out a loud chuckle while Jamie slides her goggles over her face.

"You got nothing to worry about," He says to her over his shoulder. "Any shark will be looking for a meal, not just a bite." Scoffing, Jamie slaps the man's arm after his jab about her size and waits for the all-clear before diving into the water.

Making their way all along the shark net, Jamie eventually climbs back onto the jet skin when she's satisfied that nothing has been caught.

"You get to see your shark?" Jesse greats them onshore when they get back and Jamie shakes her head while removing her life vest.

"No shark," She shrugs and feigns disappointment. Though it would've been cool to see one, she likes all her limbs where they are.

"Maybe next time," Jesse shrugs. "If you're not too scared."

"Scared?" Harries asks while Jamie scoffs. "Better than you, she jumped right in." While Jesse grumbles, Jamie offers Harries a fist bump for not ratting out the fear she showed around him.

"You see it as brave I see it as stupid," Jesse finally says before moving to help load the jet ski. Under her breath, Jamie mocks Jesse in a high-pitched voice. On the way back to the tower, she and Harries laugh. 

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