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We love a good prank war. Though this is more the others picking on Jamie than anything.


At the end of a long shift, all the lifeguards are in the tower, shutting down the last bits of everything for the day. They're almost ready to leave when Mouse gestures towards a shirt sitting on the desk beside Jamie.

"J, mind hand me that shirt?" Without thinking much of it, the girl reaches for the cloth and lifts it, only to have something fall out onto the desk. She squints her eyes and picks up the rubber spider before turning to the others.

"Really?" She asks, her tone unimpressed. Shaking her head, she throws the shirt at Mouse's head while he, Jesse, and Jethro groan in annoyance that their little prank didn't work. "Try a real one next time."

"Don't bother," Hoppo warns them against it. "She's been saving little critters since she was the same size as they are."

"I'm leaving," Grabbing her things, Jamie shakes her head as she exits the tower.

At the end of Jamie's next shift, she uses the showers just off the beach to wash off the sand coating her skin and swimsuit. She turns the water off only a few moments after turning it on and goes to wipe her hair from her face. But just as she does, she gasps as handfuls of sand are dumped back onto her hair.

"Really?" She asks the two men standing across from her who only laugh. "Come on, Jeff, you know how long it takes to get sand out of long hair!" She scolds the blonde who only shrugs. "Of course, Jesse, you wouldn't know."

"What's that supposed to mean?" The man asks, his smile suddenly wiped from his face.

"Means you wish you had hair like us," Jamie steps forward with as much sand she could've swept off her head on the ground.

"I chose this hairstyle," Jesse defends while gesturing towards his buzzed hair.

"That's even more concerning," Jamie says. "You know, that you choose to look like that." While Jethro lets out a long 'oooh' sound, Jesse looks away as if he's going to leave it alone but at the last second he turns. Jamie tries to dart out of the way but she isn't fast enough. Jesse grabs her around the waist while his other hand goes up to rub the sand further into her hair.

In her attempt to get free from his hold, Jamie accidentally elbows Jesse where it hurts most and he immediately lets her go. Gasping, Jamie puts her hands over her mouth while Jethro gives a sympathetic wince. "I'm so sorry," Jamie apologizes but Jesse lifts one hand from his doubled-over position in a motion to tell her it's fine. But the pained expression on his face says otherwise. "Jesse?"

"Come on, mate," Grabbing his shoulder, Jethro pats his back and Jesse stands back up to his full height. He inhales deeply through his nose before nodding.

"I'm good, I'm good," Giving them a thumbs up, Jesse starts to move away, doing his best to walk normally. Jamie grimaces before trying to wash the sand from her air.


Washing her feet in the tub outside the tower door, Jamie slides into her shoes before heading inside. It's crazy hot despite having been in the water a few times already and she's beyond ready to have a drink of her water.

After retrieving the bottle from the fridge, she joins the others upstairs and unscrews the cap. She misses the looks Mouse gives her and the object in her hand. And she'll beat herself up later for not smelling it. When Jamie takes a sip of what she thought was her water, she spits the liquid back into the bottle.

"Is that vinegar?" She demands while Mouse and Joel laugh. She lifts her bottle to her nose to smell and rolls her eyes. It's diluted in the water, that's why the smell wasn't so strong. "Assholes." She mumbles while Mouse picks up his radio.

"Mouse to Jesse," He waits for the other man to answer before speaking again, a laugh still evident in his voice. "She drank it."

"Of course," Jamie. "Of course it was Jesse." She speaks more to herself while she moves to dump out her ruined drink. Grabbing a fresh bottle, the teenager drinks some before grabbing her own radio. "Payback is a bitch, Jesse."

"I'm so scared," Comes the man's staticky voice and Jamie rolls her eyes again.

"Rightfully so," Jamie tells him and starts to plot her revenge.


Carrying her board between Maxi and Jesse, Jamie side-eyes the latter before focusing back on the water. As soon as they reach the edge, he nudges her arm to get her attention. "I'll race you," As soon as the words leave his mouth, he rushes into the water, and Jamie wastes no time chasing after him.

Maxi shakes his head before following behind at a normal pace.

Pushing as hard as she can, Jamie paddles until she feels her arms are ready to fall off and she finally reaches the buoy. Despite his little headstart, Jesse barely beats her. Of course, to him, that doesn't matter.

"You cheated," Jamie accuses the smiling man who only shakes his head.

"Excuses," He says and Jamie looks behind her to see where Maxi is.

"I'd have preferred you be out here before me anyway," She says casually while pulling her legs onto her board. Jesse furrows his brows.


"Didn't you hear?" She asks with her own confused expression.

"Hear what?"

"Hoppo got an alert this morning," She tells him while looking down into the water. "A shark was near here early. But we're sure it's gone now."

"What?" Jesse squeaks - he'll never admit it but Jamie revels in the fear on his face - and pulls his legs up so quickly he nearly tips himself. "A shark!? And he let us come out here?"

"Well it was early this morning and they were sure it's gone now, no one could find it," Jamie shrugs while dipping her hand into the water.

"No, no," Jesse shakes his head and goes to paddle back to shore, he pulls back as soon as his skin hits the water. "There's no way he would've let us come out here if there was a shark nearby."

"Was a shark," Jamie corrects while putting her legs back into the water. Jesse shakes his head at the motion.

"Shark?" Maxi asks when he finally reaches them. "What shark?"

"There was a shark here this morning," Jesse is quick to inform the other man who shakes his head.

"No there wasn't," Maxi says with furrowed brows and his eyes turn to Jamie who chuckles. Maxi copies the motion in realization and the tension in Jesse's shoulders relax when he catches on.

"Oh, you little--" Reaching forward, Jesse grabs the edge of Jamie's board and flips her over. Unfortunately, in his haste, he falls off his own board.

Resurfacing, Jamies wipes the water off her eyes and merely continues to laugh. "You should've seen your face," She says while climbing back onto her board. Jesse does the same with his own. "I've never seen someone so scared before." Grabbing her stomach, Jamie doubles over while she continues to laugh. "Told you you should've been scared."

"That's not funny," Jesse points at her and she shrugs.

"Neither is sand in my hair or tampering with my water," Lying down on her board, Jamie starts paddling back to shore.

"This isn't over!"


More big brother Jesse and best friend Jethro, Harrison, and Maxi to come. When Jamie gets herself into trouble, her boys are always there to back her up. 

This story may not have many readers but to those of you who are here, if there's any specific thing you'd like me to write, just let me know. I'm bored. This is literally saved in my computer as 'Because I'm board'. 

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