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A Promise

"Keep your books inside," the bell for fifteen minutes warning chimed and the students put their books aside and prepared themselves for the exam.

The exam week was a peculiar ordeal for Sei which she had never faced before as she always used to be prepared for her assessments long before the actual exam period. But this time, she found topics that had not been covered in her school and so she had to study, pulling overnights even on the night before the examination. 

"Oi," Yuta whispered, lowering his voice as their seats were very near to each other. Sei turned around halfway, through to meet his dark brown eyes. 'What?' She mouthed to him with lifted eyebrows.

"I am not going to help you during exam. So you will have to do good on your own." Sei squinted her eyes. "I was not quite looking forward to cheating but still thanks for letting me know," she said with a straight face.

Yuta let out a snicker. He decided to put his awkwardness past their interactions. He had accepted his feelings already—realising that he could not escape from it even if he wanted to. So he was ready to face his feelings for Sei head on and confess to her when it was the right time.

As Yuta said about Sei being a whizz kid, she aced the test even though she could not even revise the formulas. Yuta grabbed her upperarm while she was rushing to leave the classroom as soon as the exam got finished.

"Where are you going?" He asked being unfamiliar with the sight of a student being so hasty after submitting an exam which was pretty tough.

"Practice." Sei let out an exasperated sigh. "Honda-kun said that I slacked too much before and after school festival. So I have to start attending practices right after getting done with the exams."

Yuta grimaced, hearing about the band. He remembered how there were three male members in the group including Ryo and Tadashi. The both of them had made him feel jealous recently.

"Why are there so many guys around you?" He mumbled, dropping his head in his hands. "Huh?" She asked, not being able to understand what he said. "I could not quite catch you. Why are there—?"

"Nothing." Yuta clicked his tongue, looking at her. "How did you do on the exams by the way?" He asked, ignoring the negative feelings that were bothering him.

"Good, I guess?" Sei muttered, failing to remember how to respond to this question. Nobody had asked her about her exam for a while now. "Thank you for helping me though," she expressed her gratitude for their study sessions.

Yuta cocked one eyebrow, stepping closer to her. "Wanna get away with just a thank you?" Sei dryly chuckled. "Want me to buy you a meal or something?"

He shook his head. Taking another step, Yuta spoke up, "Just promise me something?" The brunette eyed him suspiciously. "Why are you making it sound creepy?"

"Just do it," he persisted. "You are not going to ask me for money, are you?"

Yuta shook his head as a no, letting out a laugh. "Okay," Sei replied with a smile. "Promise me to spend all of your time with me during the school trip."

Yuta wanted Sei to give him time to know him and understand him better. So that when he would confess, Sei would at least consider his confession and the best opportunity for that would be on the excursion—two days, two nights away from their families.

"You can't say no. You already promised!" Yuta said with a wide smile, scurrying to get out of her sight so that she could not back off. Sei was still dazed by their conversation. What just happened?

Osaka Rain || N. Yuta [Completed (✓)]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora