Chapter 22 - Dying To Be Alive

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I'm dying to be alive yeah
I'm dying to be alive yeah
Lets not go through our lives
Without just dying to be alive

The people you've touched
They way you've touched them
I hope they've touched you too.
'cause in this life, its hard to tell
What's false and what is true yea
We're all on the ground just cryin' out
Would somebody save me please
I won't sit around just thinking about
The troubles that tomorrow brings

And we all come tumbling down
No matter how strong
We all return to the ground
In the days to come you'll say why did I wait
You can't just leave your life up to fate.
You've gotta turn it around before it's too late.

Dying to be Alive - Hanson
The Brooklyn Hospital Center, Brooklyn, New York - March 2022

When Sebastian arrived in front of the ICU, dr.Jake was there waiting for him. His heart beat faster as he saw him. He braced himself and got ready to hear the worst.

"Doctor.. how is she?" Sebastian asked.

"Mr.Stan, Ms. Y/l/n's oxygen saturation went as low as 90% last night. It seems the antibiotic we gave her didn't work as well as we had hoped. She had fluid build up in her lungs and we had to drain them." dr.Jake explained.

"Oh.. So, what do we do now? How can we help her?" Sebastian asked, his heart plummeted as he listened to the doctor.

"I've prescribed a different antibiotic for her. And I would like to suggest to put her on CPAP to help increase her oxygen saturation." dr.Jake continued.

"What's a CPAP doctor?" Sebastian asked.

"CPAP is short for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure. It's a machine that provides positive pressure of air through a mask and into the airway, which helps to keep the airway open. It will hopefully help increase the level of oxygen in her lungs. It's our last resort in order to avoid putting her on a ventilator. If you put her on a ventilator, we have to sedate her and put her to sleep because it will be very painful. So it's better if we can avoid that." dr.Jake explained.

"Oh I see.. I didn't know about the ventilator. The CPAP.. it will not hurt her, will it?" Sebastian asked.

"No, we'll just put a mask that will cover her mouth and nose." dr.Jake said.

"Okay. If you think putting her on CPAP will help her, then please do it." Sebastian said.

"Alright. We'll put her on it as soon as possible. And one more thing Mr.Stan, I would also like to suggest to give her a transfusion of convalescent plasma. I originally hoped that we didn't have to give it to her. But as I see her progress, I believe it's needed for her." dr.Jake said.

"Convalescent plasma?" Sebastian asked in confusion.

"Yes, it's blood plasma collected from patients who have recovered from Covid. It has the necessary antibodies that can help suppress viral replication of the virus." dr.Jake explained.

"Oh I see. Well if you think it will help her, please give it to her." Sebastian said.

"Alright Mr.Stan. We'll put her on CPAP and put in a request for the convalescent plasma." dr.Jake said.

Always You - Sebastian Stan x Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now