Chapter 21 - Won't Go Home Without You

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The Brooklyn Hospital Center, Brooklyn, New York - March 2022

The taste of her breath
I'll never get over
The noises that you made kept me awake
The weight of the things that remained unspoken
Built up so much it crushed us everyday

Every night you cry yourself to sleep
Thinking: "Why does this happen to me?
Why does every moment have to be so hard?"
Hard to believe that

It's not over tonight
Just give me one more chance to make it right
I may not make it through the night
I won't go home without you

Sebastian was suddenly reminded of the song Won't Go Home Without You by Maroon 5 that he listened to on the airplane on his way from London to New York. As he gazed at Y/n's sleeping form behind the glass window in front of him, he made a promise to himself not to go home without her. He didn't want to leave until he was sure she was okay and ready to go home too.

His mind wandered to the events of the past 12 hours. He remembered the moment when he saw her fainted during their zoom call. His heart seemed to stop as he witnessed her just lying motionless on top of her laptop. He tried to wake her up, screaming on the top of his lungs, but she stayed unconscious. He finally called Emma who was thankfully in New York and Emma called 911. He watched from his laptop screen as the first responders broke into her apartment and put her on a stretcher and whisked her away. Within an hour he was on his way to Heathrow Airport with Edward, trying to catch the first plane out of London to New York. The fact that he was about to break his contract with Ana didn't stop him. He didn't care about it anymore. He only had one goal in mind which was to see Y/n as soon as possible.

Ten hours later he found himself running into the lobby of The Brooklyn Hospital Center where he found out Y/n was hospitalized at. He met Emma at the lobby of the hospital where she told him that Y/n was brought into the ICU because her condition had worsened after she was first admitted to the hospital. His knees felt weak as he listened to the news from Emma. He insisted to see her but patients at the ICU were only allowed visits on certain times. When he came it was not the time yet.

"I have to see her now, Emma.. I can't wait any longer. I have to. What if she doesn't make it? I can't.." Sebastian's voice shook as he tried to convince Emma to let him speak to the doctors. Edward patted his shoulder, trying to comfort him.

Emma stayed silent for a moment then she finally said "Okay, come on, Seb. Let's try and speak to her doctors. They might let you in, considering the special circumstances."

She then walked and guided them toward the elevators.

"Special circumstances?" Sebastian asked, dumbfounded as he followed Emma into one of the elevators.

"Yes, Seb. There's something you need to know about her." Emma said, looking at him with her brows furrowed.

"What? What's wrong with her?" Sebastian asked, his heart seemed to sink into his stomach as he dreaded to hear whatever it was Emma had to say about Y/n.

The elevator stopped and opened on the second floor before Emma had a chance to reply. Emma walked out of the elevator with Sebastian and Edward following closely behind her.

The second floor was not as crowded as the ground floor. Sebastian looked around and noticed the words Maternity Ward on one of the signs on a door. As they walked, they passed a pregnant woman who was being pushed on a wheelchair. They also passed a pregnant woman who was being pushed on a stretcher into a room marked Labor Delivery Room. He wondered why they were on the maternity floor. Emma kept walking and they passed several rooms until she finally stopped in front of a large double doors marked with the words "ICU" on it.

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