Chapter 9 - The Worst Person in The World

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New York City - October 2010

Y/n looked across the table to where Zac was sitting. She couldn't believe her ears. Was he serious about this? Did 6 years being together really mean nothing to him? Her eyes pricked and she blinked furiously, trying not to cry in front of him. She didn't want to seem weak.

"I have to go y/n. I'm sorry. I wish you all the best." He said, looking at her with sadness in his eyes.

Y/n was speechless. She didn't say anything but just stared at him as he stood up, put on his jacket and walked out of the club they were in. She put her hands on her face, tears started to stream down her face. But she tried to control it. She didn't want to cry in public.

"Miss..are you okay?" a waiter approached her in concern.

Y/n sniffled and wiped tears from her eyes. She smiled at the waiter and said "Yeah, I'm fine. I just have something in my eyes."

"Well, if you need anything just let me know okay." he said.

"Thank you. That's very kind of you. I think I'm just gonna go home." she said.

She opened her purse and took some money out of her wallet then put them on the table.

"Be careful out there. It's not safe for a woman to be out alone at this hour." the waiter reminded her.

"Thank you. I will." y/n said, smiling at the kind waiter. She put on her jacket and picked up her purse then went out the door.

It was 2 am in the morning. They say New York never sleeps. Yet there she was, walking on an empty street in Downtown New York. She pulled her jacket closer to herself and walked towards China Town where she hoped she could find a cab. She waited almost half an hour but no cab passed. As she walked she passed two men who called out to her with obscene names that she got scared. She saw a 24 hour Supermarket up ahead and almost ran there. She sighed a breath of relief once she got inside the Supermarket. She looked at the cashier and was glad that the cashier was a woman. She nodded at her and walked towards the back, intending to call a friend to come pick her up.

Y/n scrolled through the contacts list on her phone and pressed the number of her best friend, someone who was always there for her when she needed it. Sometimes even more than her own boyfriends. Her call wasn't picked up immediately. Well, it was 2 am in the morning. Her friend was most likely asleep. She almost gave up and hung up when her friend finally picked up her call.

"Y/n.. what's going on?" her friend asked.

"Seb.. Oh thank God you picked up. I'm really really sorry to bother you but I think I need you to pick me up." she said sheepishly.


Sebastian was having a strange dream where he was flying above the streets of New York like Superman.. or Iron Man.. when he suddenly heard the sound of a ringing phone. His dream self picked up the phone while flying. Well okay, that meant he was Iron Man, Superman couldn't do that, he thought.

"Hello.." his dream self said to the caller, but even though he had picked up the call the ringing sound persisted. His dream self was confused that he forgot that he was flying. When he realized he was hovering above the Empire State Building, he looked down and suddenly his flying capability was gone and his dream self fell from 3000 feet in the air to the hard ground below.

Sebastian woke up in a start. He realized he was dreaming. He heard the ringing sound and realized it was his cellphone. He immediately picked it up from the night stand. When he saw it was y/n who were calling him he immediately picked it up, feeling a little worried about the unusual call.

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