"All your drinks on me tonight" one said to Porche.

"I am sorry ma'am. The bartender is not yet allowed to drink." Porche said.

"But I am happy to accompany you" he said and gave his smile.

"We miss this" his friend said.

"O come on I taught all of them how" Porche said.

"Well the original is still the best." One barista said.

"Then one old show?" Porche asked.

Then 5 barista with Porche gave the flare dance the old one they used to do when Porche was working here.

Then the drinks are served.

Porche blends fruits so the others have something to use also.

A barista elbowed him.

He turned and boom.
A familiar face

"This is family business that you are working on?" The guy asked.

Porche smirked and make a martini on the rocks.

"I believe I am still on my leave Khun" Porche said as he pass the drink.

The man in front of him stares at him mad.

"What did I do. Am I not on leave? I just finished my family work and I came here for a little break." Porche said.

Damn why am I explaining to you?
He said in his brain.

Porche old boss called.

Porche looked ta him. He sighed that Porche can go. Porche nod his head.
And when he looked back at the man in front of him.

The guy is gone.
Left is the empty martini glass and 2k Bhat under it.

Porche placed it all in the jar tip.
He looked around

He get off his apron and followed his instinct.
He run I the alley where he first meet Kinn way back then.

He saw a fight.

"Damn you always being trouble with you" Porche said.

He helped Kinn again.

He pulled Kinn and they run around to his bike

"Is this De-ja-vu?" Kinn asked.

Porche stopped the bike where he also leave Kinn behind back then.

"What the hell bring you here alone?" Porche said mad.
He get his phone and called Big.
He gave him their location.

"Why do you need to call Big. You can send me home safe." Kinn said.

Porche does not know what to say.

"I am planning to resign." Porche said.

Kinn pulled Porche's face with his both hands and kissed him.

"A year ago we where here. I was asking you to be my bodyguard but you resisted. Porche. Please" kinn said.

"I might not be your bodyguard but I will always be there." Porche said.

"You promised Porche you will be there by my side till death. We have a witness and it was recorded. You can't do this na." Kinn said.

Cars parked sorround them.

"Khun Kinn!" A voice called.

Porche know the face and the name.
He run to Kinn and hugged him.

"Thank you" he said to Porche.
Pulling Kinn.
Big and the rest saluted Porche.

"I guess someone is there by your side now." Porche said.
Pete and Big heard it
Kinn and the guy is now inside the second car.

"Shadows are still around. But be careful not to let him slid out of your sight." Porche said to Pete and Big.

"When are you coming back?" Pete asked.

"Back and watch them?" Porche asked. He smirked.
"I rather stay in the shadows" he said.

He ride his bike and he leave first.

"You failed to bring him home." Mr. Korn said.

Kinn is silent.

"He does not know about the conditions yet.
But him knowing you singed the contract. Wayne said he left." Mr. Korn said

"I was talking to him. But they showed up. With him." Kin said.

"Sometimes it is tiring to always run after him." Kinn sighed.

"Is it worth it?" Mr.Korn asked.

Kinn sighed.
He gulped the last drop of Rhum.

"I better go to my room dad" he said and leave his dad.

He lied on his bed and closed his eyes.
But what he cane see is the sad face. And teary eyes of Porche.

"What pains him?" He asked.

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