Forgotten Bonds: SanLu

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May I point out that this is also a SanLu AU?



The black-haired former revolutionalist was pinned to the tree, lips meeting his own while his cook pressed his body against his. Muffled noises came from the former revolutionalist when a hand had made it's way to his waist line, he was pulled closer. Their chest practically touching now.

They had stopped on an Island, the rest of the crew doing there own thing as to make up lost time for Usopp. Also a special day since they were nearing the Sabaody Archipelago. Lyffy might finally see Ace again and maybe discuss a few more things-

They pull back with gasp, Sanji pulled at his captain's tie(he questions why he even had these) exposing more of his neck. That was better. "I just...Ah... fixed tha....."

Sanji's gentleness was Luffy's weakness, he was rather impulsive and reckless whenever he talked to his crewmates about his behavior. If he could just make his memories return then that'll be all, and maybe he could finally know what his dream is.

Soft kisses were placed on his neck while hands worked to discard his clothing. His cloak had already been forgotten on the grass, that's right, they were deep into the forest of the island.

"I know." Sanji had connected their foreheads, they loved one another yet their behavior hadn't changed at all. It all started when Sanji had caught Luffy from falling face first into the snow of Drum Island after he had obtained a memory or few, how he had uttered 'Chief of Staff' instead of 'Sanji'.

The blond cook had felt his heart ache at the thought of his mysterious captain being with another person, that was a bit confusing at first, with the emotions and all. However, he found it in himself to finally resolve them.

He loved his captain's eyes, they might not have been blue, green, or any other unnatural color but they held so much love. Love for the crew, for his newly-reacquainted family, for him.

How someone can manage that was something he didn't know.
Sanji was pulled out of his thoughts when Luffy started to take his suit off, his captain had gone off on a mission. His status as a former revolutionalist finally known to them. They had known that he was an amnesiac when Chopper had joined, in the doctor's word; he needed to look over everyone's medical records.

They found out when Chopper had given the Marine Hero the document, the reindeer ignored the weird symbol on the upper-right of the corner but the old man knew that was the Revolutionary Army's insignia.

Tan hands unbottoned his slacks, he pulls him into an open-mouthed kiss. They barely had time to themselves now, Sanji was going to savor this; tasting every single corner of his lover. Being done with unbottoning the slacks of his cook, he felt smooth hands unzip his pants and it slipped through his boxers and touched him.

"Gah! S- Sanji, wh- what was that...for!" The younger man groaned, the captain's face flushed red as his bangs stuck to his face due to the sweat. Luffy gripped Sanji's shoulders again, the blond man listened as his hand did it's magic.

The captain moaned when his dick was pumped, he leaned his head back and exposed his bare neck; leaving it vulnearable to Sanji who nipped and sucked at it. Soon enough, the cook felt some wetness coming out of the hard-on. He stopped pumping it all together and let his index finger tease the tip.

In response to this, Luffy wrapped his arms around Sanji's neck and pulled him close. The black-haired man was panting, "How does it feel, captain?" Slowly, he massaged it achingly slow. Luffy felt good, so good.

One Piece AUs VOL. 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon