ASL: Grandfather's Grandson

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In which Luffy overheard Ace questioning "what if the Pirate King had a son?"

Or, Ace and Sabo realize Luffy IS Garp's grandson


"So, what if he had a son?" The freckled boy fiddled with his pipe, a scowl on his young face; he's done this multiple times already, why must he keep doing this?

Unbeknownst to him, his younger brother had spotted him. The tiny boy gave a silent whisper at the mention of the Pirate King, does Ace know something he doesn't about that man?

He needs to know! Forgive him Ace, but he's going to eavesdrop for a bit. "What if he had a son? Ha! Then we'd kill him right away!"

What? That didn't sound or look right, especially when his older brother winced a little. Ace excused it when he said he was just a bit cold. Right, because he was only wearing a sleeveless shirt and shorts.

"We'd make him beg for mercy! He deserves to be shot as much as we like, the Pirate King was nothing but a devil! And the chances of him actually having an offspring? Tch!"

Ace wasn't doing anything, but he was about to blow.

Monkey D. Luffy thinks he might need to punch a wall too. Brown eyes catches sight of a dark blue hat at the other side of the alleyway, behind several large garbage bags. It was Sabo! He had also taken a peak and looked equally upset as his brothers.

However; the only difference was that Sabo knew of Ace's identity, and the rant the bastard was going on and on about torturing the 'Pirate Prince'.

"I hope the marines make sure he doesn't get at least an atom of freedom-" A sudden bone-cracking bash was heard, Luffy made himself visible. The grown, not to mention fat, man and Ace snapped their heads to meet a young boy with a straw hat.

"Oi, Luffy?! What are you doing here, I told you to get-"

"Shut up."

Ace flinched. Did Luffy just say that? Did he realize who he was? Was he ashamed to be friends with him now? Fear and panic crept on his heart. Luffy had his head down and slowly raised it, this time; it was the man's turn to flinch.

Those eyes shouldn't be displayed on a kid as young as he is! They promised death if he even stepped forward or moved an inch, the already crumbling wall he had imbedded his fist in started to crack more; as if to mirror the young boy's anger.

Sabo and Ace know only one person that could break buildings with ease if they wanted to and that was Garp. And their little idiot wasn't their grandfather.

The crack turned into a crater and the wall had been completely demolished, like jigsaw puzzles shook a part; the pieces of cement fell to the ground. It was a good thing this place was practically abandoned.

'How?!' Sabo screamed inwardly.

"Wha- what ARE YOU KID?!" The bastard immediately recoiled in fear, not having witnessed that kind of strength anywhere at all. The little kid kept boring his wide eyes into the fabric of his being and he felt like passing out.

His eyes roll to the back of his head. Wow, he did pass out.

Ace turned from the man's unconscious form to his younger brother, the murderous glare had completely disappeared and he was greeted with childish light. 

"Ace! You're okay!"

"What do you mean by that idiot?!" Luffy tilted his head to the side. "You were all sad for a minute there and that man was there talking to you, I thought he did something bad." 

"So you intimidated them??" Ace was desperately pointing out how a normal child at his age would just run away from the danger. Sabo stood up from his crouching position and walked toward the duo.

"There's Sabo! Hi Sabo!"

Ace's gaze lingered at the youngest out of the three of them. Was he capable of doing that? But he was the eldest, he was suppose to do the protecting not Luffy.

Well, at least someone out in this world does exist just to keep him alive.


ASL FLUFF?? Can this count?? Just a small drabble of kid Luffy accidently using haki XD

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