Chapter 20: Beating People

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Ma Xiaoding sent him the address.

Linqing Road, which was near No.1 High School, was a leisure and entertainment street. Internet cafes, chess and card rooms, KTVs, billiards halls, and other such venues were all available there. It was a place where many students from the No.1 High School went to play after class, and was also a gathering place for gangsters.

Song Yu looked around everywhere after getting off the bus, but couldn't find the place.

So, he asked Ma Xiaoding.

[ I've arrived on Linqing Road. What's the specific location. ]

The Sadako profile image paused for a long time. Ma Xiaoding thought for a moment but didn't know how to explain it. The location was too remote, and there was no specific landmark.

Finally, he shifted his gaze and looked outside. Inspiration hit, and the literary, artistic part of his soul came out to give it a try.

[ Sadako Won't Forget Those Who Dug The Well: Brother Yu, look up at the sky. ]

Song Yu held his cell phone and fell into a daze for a few seconds. A strange impulse overtook him, and he listened to him and looked up at the sky.

There were some birds roosting on the utility poles. The blue sky was endless, with many clouds in the sky. There was nothing special about it, and even after paying careful attention, he couldn't find anyone looking out the window and waving at him.

Song Yu didn't get it, so he typed.

[ ? ]

Ma Xiaoding's reply came especially quickly this time.

[ Do you see a cloud that looks like a marshmallow. ]

Song Yu: "......"

Ma Xiaoding was beside himself with delight.

[ I'm to the right side of that cloud! Follow it and you'll find me! Brother Yu, my game is about to start! Talk later! ]

Song Yu: "......"

Was he crazy!

Xie Sui looked at his expression and smiled, "What's the matter?"

Song Yu turned off his cell phone and said expressionlessly, "Nothing much. The number of people to beat up may have just increased by one."

Xie Sui couldn't help laughing. He asked gently, "What's the internet cafe called?"

Song Yu thought for a moment, "Something with 'Hua' in it."

Xie Sui lifted his gaze and looked at the street they were on. Jing City was a place that he remembered very clearly from his childhood. At the beginning, in order to make money, he'd basically run through all the areas around No.1 High School. The name had 'Hua' in it, the location was remote, and it wouldn't be easily found by teachers. He soon remembered. His pupils contracted slightly and he hefted the plastic bag as his long legs strode forward, "Follow me."

As a newcomer to the city, Song Yu was naturally well-behaved and obedient.

They crossed the road and made their way into an alley between two buildings. After taking a few steps into the alley, there was a staircase.

Xie Sui said, "Second floor."

Song Yu's mouth dropped open. He was very surprised, "This internet cafe is so remote. How do you know about it?"

Xie Sui smiled briefly, "I used to work here."

Song Yu's brain stalled for a second, "You've really had a large variety of part-time jobs."

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