▤Side note▤

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I noticed that most of you went with the first so I'm gonna go with that one butI'm going to be honest, I was kinda expecting this one to win

I noticed that most of you went with the first so I'm gonna go with that one butI'm going to be honest, I was kinda expecting this one to win

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I thought more people would vote for the others, but that doesn't matter now. Though I do have to say something about the pic, 1: the Titan's height will increase or decrease drastically depending on the situation,the average height is 17ms,if you want to travel it'd be 7-8 meters and if you want to go all out it'd be 30 meters (I know,a little extreme but it's for the plot).2: since there's more flesh showing,the armour on the rest of the body will be more concentrated therefore being almost as durable as the armour Titan, 3: weapons (like the sword, hammer, crossbow, etc.) made by Titan will be melded with the armour on the hand though they can disconnect from it. And lastly, every Titan needs a weakness or some disadvantage so not too extreme but still could work in the opponents favour, stamina depletes faster.

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