"I do a sudar," Rowan said, looking at Carina.

"Ok," Carina laughed, "You can do the sugar."

Carina helped the girls add all the wet ingredients before moving on to the dry ones. Rowan had been helping her turn on the mixer as they went. Just as she finished helping Nora add the last of the flour, suddenly, the mixer turned on, flour exploding everywhere.

"Rowan," Carina exclaimed in surprise as she looked at the toddler who had clearly just turned on the mixer when she wasn't supposed to.

"Sowwy," Rowan said, tears filling her eyes as Carina turned off the mixer, "Mits."

"I know you wanted to mix," Carina said, picking up the toddler, "I'm not mad. It's ok. But you can't touch that without asking first ok?"

"Mess," Nora said, looking up at Carina with flour all over her face and hair.

"Si," Carina laughed as she grabbed a towel, Rowan still on her hip, "We are all a mess."

Carina used the towel to wipe some of the flour off Nora's face.

"Do you still want to make biscotti?" Carina asked, knowing how much Nora hated messes and Rowan hated making mistakes.

"Si," Rowan said, still sniffling a little. "Me too," Nora nodded.

"Ok," Carina said, setting Rowan back down, deciding to wait to clean up the mess until they were done because baking with toddlers was pretty much asking for spills, "I think we probably need to start over because there is a lot of flour not in the bowl."

Carina quickly emptied the bowl, starting over on the dough. Just as Carina though, they did make a bigger mess as they made the second batch, Nora tipping over the bottle of vanilla all over the counter. Carina couldn't help but laugh as she snapped a few pictures of the twins to send to her wife.

By the time the biscotti were actually in the oven, Carina was pretty sure there were just as many ingredients on them and the counter as there were in the cookies. Once the biscotti was in the oven, she decided to take the twins upstairs for an impromptu bath because they were covered in flour.

Once they were clean, she got them dressed in new clothes, extremely happy Rowan had stopped her post-bath tantrums a few weeks ago because it made the whole process so much easier.

"Alright Bambine," Carina said, looking at the twins once they were ready for the second time that day, "Let's go downstairs so I can clean up the kitchen. Do you two want to play with crayons and stickers?"

The twins nodded excitedly as they all headed down to the kitchen, Carina setting the girls up at the table with their art supplies while she went to go clean up the disaster that was the kitchen. It didn't take too long to get everything back in order, something she knew Maya would appreciate. Carina took the cookies out of the oven to cool a little so she could slice them and bake them again before going over to see what the girls were doing.

"I mate a tolor for Mommy," Rowan said, holding up her paper for Carina to see all the red and blue and green scribbles all over.

"I'm sure Mommy will love it," Carina smiled, "Nora, what are you making?"

"For Unca T," Nora said, putting a dog sticker on her paper.

"Very nice," Carina smiled as she looked at the time, seeing it was already 10:30, "Do you guys want a snack?"

"Appo?" Nora asked.

"Benana," Rowan said.

"One banana and one apple coming up," Carina nodded, going into the kitchen.

We'll Get Through ThisTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon