"Grace?" The person said.

I smiled weakly, "Hey, sis..."

She stood there shocked, like she had just seen a car accident. "W-What are you doing here?" She stuttered.

I bit my lip, "I..um..I need some help."

"Come inside." She said, opening the door further. I nodded and walked inside. "Place you coat here," she pointed to the coat rack, "and I'll fix us some hot chocolate." 

I did as told and walked into the kitchen, standing at the counter. My sister, Britney, put the two mugs in the microwave and waited for it to finish. Once it was finished, she grabbed them and motioned for me to sit at the table. 

I sat down and grasped the mug, taking in a deep breath. "So, I need to talk to you about dad...."

"What about him? Is he alright?" She asked, a little worried.

I laughed, "He's fine." I said, looking down at the wooden table. "It's just that....I started dating this guy and he does not approve of him. He's sorta like Darren, in a way."

Britney nodded, understanding so I went on. "Well, I invited him over for dinner because he wanted to meet my parents and make a good impression on them, since the first time didn't go so well."

"What happened the first time?" She asked, taking a sip of her hot chocolate. 

I took a little sip from mine and swallowed, "Um, he went to church with me after a night of partying and....having sex." 

She gasped, "Oh? I didn't think you were that kind of person...?"

"I wasn't. But, I don't know. I wanted too. But anyway, the dinner didn't turn out the way I planned it too."

"What happened?" She asked, concerned.

"I told dad and he punched Zayn in the face..." I said quietly.

She rolled her eyes. "Typical dad." She said, "That's how it was with Darren. Dad couldn't stand him. He thought he was a bad influence because he had tattoos and partied all time. He punched Darren too, giving him a bloody nose. Dad thought he put an end to it, but he was wrong. That was when my behavior started to take a turn for the worse. I partied almost every night because I felt free from him. I moved out and lived with Darren. Then, I got pregnant..." She kept going, "Dad went belistic on us because I was eighteen. I mean, I was an adult so it didn't matter."

"Why didn't I know any of this?" I asked her, shaking my head.

She looked at me, "Our family has a lot of secrets, Grace. You were just too young to understand. You see, mum got pregnant with me when she was eighteen, too. That's why dad was trying to protect me so I didn't end up like them. And that's what he's doing to you." She said, "He's trying to protect you, even if you think you don't need it."

"But, I don't need it. Zayn's good to me." I said.

"And I bet he is. Darren is good to me too. I'm just saying. Don't let dad come inbetween your relationship."

As we talked throughout the night, I realized how much I missed having my sister around. I realized how much I missed having that bond with her where we told each other everything. But, my dad had to fuck it up and drive her away. I don't remember most of it because I was mostly away spending my time with Eleanor and Danielle. 

"So, why didn't you just call me instead of driving two hours to see me?" Britney asked, taking our mugs to the sink. 

I sighed, "Because I missed you and I wanted to talk to you about this in person because I knew that you went through what I'm going through."

"That's understandable." She said, standing in front of me. She smiled, her eyes watering. "I'm just so glad you came to see me." She said, pulling me into a tight gripping hug. I didn't complain though. I needed a hug.

"Me too."  I replied, hugging her back and closing my eyes.

After a few seconds, she pulled away. "Ugh, it's too late for this!" She said, wiping her eyes and looking at the clock. She looked back at me, "Listen, you can stay here for a couple of days. I mean, if you want. It's too late for you to drive back home." She said.

I smiled instantly and nodded, "Of course." I said.

"And tomorrow, you can see Jake for the first time." 

"Really?!" I asked, excitedly.

"Yes! We talk about you all the time. He needs to see his aunt."

I just smiled. This was great, really great. But there was on;y one thing missing that I really needed right now and that was Zayn. 

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