"She's been in her feelings all day"

"What y'all did to my niece?"

"Ain nobody did nothing to her. She just went out there" I answered

"She look like she lost her best friend"

"She's not talking to anybody" Brielle said as well and my daddy walked over to her phone grabbing it

"Who you on the phone with so I can tell yo daddy"


As she said that he looked at the phone and then sucked his teeth

"Ain't yo ass supposed to be dribbling a basketball or some shit?"

"Ain't you supposed to be fixing a car or something?" Jeremiah clapped back and I grabbed the phone from my daddy

"Hold up now. You the homie but we not talkin to my daddy like that. I'll beat on you behind that one"

"I ain worried bout none of that" Jeremiah waved his hand "I'll just get Kyran on you"

Kyran just laughed then walked past all of us, bumping shoulders with Brielle, obviously on purpose, and she looked back at him while he went into the back room

"Kyran too high to function right now" I told Jeremiah

"He ain high, he just in a good mood" my daddy tried to lie for him of course before hitting me upside the head and left the back

"Good mood my ass. When is Kyran ever in a good mood?"

"Somebody sound like a hater" Jeremiah laughed over the phone

"Ain shit for me to hate on. Trust me" I have Brielle back her phone and left the kitchen, going to see where Kaleia was.

I ended up finding her outside leaning against her car and she had her phone to her ear

"Yeah. I'll be there later" she told whoever she was on the phone with before hanging up

"You still in ya feelings?" I asked her and she looked over at me before rolling her eyes

"Kinsley I really don't wanna talk to you right now"

" you can't seriously be this delusional" I just bluntly said with a laugh

"Delusional? You know they talking and you probably helping them keep it a secret cause you going too hard when IM the one that's your cousin"

"Because I'm telling you the truth! And you the one that's going so hard for somebody that you broke up with. So why would it bother you if he was talking to anybody else?"

"Because he's mine!"

"He's not yours! And stop saying that. YOU left him. And now that he's focused on whats important you wanna try to keep him attached to you by going around saying he's yours and it's not fair to him"

Kaleia crossed her arms "whats not fair is you can bash me, but you still over here depressed about a nigga never really cared about you. All he did was fuck and bragged about it to your brother with a gun pointed to his head. And you got the nerve to criticize me?"

I ran my tongue across my teeth with my hands on my hips. I loved my cousin to pieces but I could slap the shit outta her right now.

"Yet I'm the delusional one?" Kaleia continued to talk "I'm the one that's still a virgin meanwhile you bustin it open for any nigga that can sweet talk you out of ya panties. So who really is the delusional one"

I didn't even respond back to Kaleia. I just nodded and turned around to go back into the restaurant.

Kaleia don't have nothing to say to me nomore

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