Chapter 27: Sadie

Start from the beginning

Unfolding the paper, I see that it's a page of notes from Carter and I's debate this morning. But on the bottom of the page is something I don't remember being there.

Written in Carter's faded cursive print, it says: Carter Conners + Sadie Jones = Badass Debate Partners.

I stare at the seven words for what feels like forever. And then the flood gates open, and I don't know if it's because of how fucking nice that stupid paper heart is or how guilty I feel for proving my half of the message to not be true.

My phone has been buzzing nonstop with texts from Carter. They started off like: Hey, are we still meeting in the conference hall? And have quickly escalated to: Where the fuck are you? I don't move to answer them, and, instead, slump down further onto the floor, pushing my wet eyes into my kneecaps. When I feel the wet fabric of my pants sticking to my skin, I rest my forehead in my hands.

I hear the twist of a doorknob and the sound of the door being pushed open. Keeping my head down, I see bottom of Carter's pant legs as he cross the room, stoping a few feet away from me. He clears his throat, but I don't acknowledge his presence. I feel him sink down onto his knees and guide my hands away from my face, tilting my chin up so I'm looking into his eyes, worry swarming behind his pupils. He drops something beside me, and I feel the waterproof material of my jacket.

"Thanks," I breathe, fiddling with the jacket sleeve.

"Jones," he whispers. "What's wrong?"

I just shake my head and train my eyes back on the ground, as if that will hide how red they are. I don't even know why I'm crying. I'm pathetic. A logical person would just accept the loss and move on.

"C'mon," he urges, quietly. "What's going on?"

I consider not telling him. The list of reasons for why I could be crying is infinite. I could pick any one. But, instead, I mumble, "I lost."

His face contorts in confusion. "What?"

I sigh, sucking in a breath that still doesn't seem to fill my lungs with air. "I lost. My debate. I, um, didn't win."

I wait for the retort: "Ha, you're such a loser, Jones." But it doesn't come. Instead his eyes darken and he grips the bottom of my chin again, inching my face up and closer to his. He almost looks... angry?

"Who beat you?" He all but growls.

Now it's my turn to be confused. "What?"

"Who. Fucking. Beat. You." His voice is harsh, each word sharper than a knife.

"Just this asshole, Lucas Wilson," I mumble.

"Those judges are fucking idiots," he grumbles.

I don't understand what's going on. "You're not going to tell me that I'm an awful debater and that it was high-time that someone finally proved it?"

"You think I'd say that?" Hurt rolls off his words

"I don't know," I murmur.

Suddenly, he stands up and backs away from me, walking over to the door and unlocking it. I jump up after him and put a hand on his arm, causing him to spin around. The look on his face is nothing but determined.

"Where are you going?" I ask, surprised at how quiet my voice comes out.

He steps toward me, his heaving chest hitting mine. My eyes are level with his chin, so I tilt my head up so I can't see anything other than green irises lined with gold. For a while, we both don't say anything, our heavy breathing synchronizing as we simply stare at each other.

"Let's get one thing straight," he says, his voice low, traveling in through my ears and filling my body with warmth. "The only person who bests you is me. First place belongs to you and me and everybody else can go to hell. I don't give a damn about Lucas Wilson. You. Are. A. Fucking. Winner."

And, with that, he steps away from me, opens the door, and walks out of the room.

I pick up the paper heart off of the bed and read the words over and over again, hoping they'll help give me some sense of what the hell just happened. They don't, so, instead, I climb under the covers, hold the paper to my chest, and try to figure it out myself. 



I couldn't resist taking the "Who did this to you?" trope and making it academic rivals to lovers with "Who beat you?"

And I'm sorry for the short chapter, but the last one was pretty long so we're going to let it slide.

More excitement to come as Sadie and Carter embark of the last two days of their debate competition.

Thx for reading!

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