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It had been a few months since the incident, and Toono had finally started to recover physically, although his nightmares never stopped. He could only eat food in small quantities as well, and he didn't sleep most nights in fear that something would happen. Matsumura decided that it would be good for Toono to go somewhere, so that's what he did. He was currently at the mall with Shikatani, Akemi, Itome, Yuri, Yacchan, Jimmy, Tamura, Kashima, and Haku.

"So, Toono. What should we do." Jimmy asked, holding onto Yuri's sleeve. Toono just shrugged, unsure of what to do or where to go. "I got it! How about we go to a place with cats!" Haku said, Toono nodding at the idea. "Well then, I guess we get to go see some cats." Akemi said, Yuri smiling at the mention of his favorite animal. Itome, who also happened to love cats, blushed quietly, his blush becoming louder as Akemi walked over, kneeled on a bench, and whispered into his ear.

Time skip brought to you by Misaki Yata

"Cat!" Yuri yelled, running into a café. Toono, being the traumatized little cinnamon roll he is, followed closely, not wanting to get snatched. "Y-Yuri. You can't hug e-every cat here!" Jimmy (hah I bet you thought it'd be Toono for a second there) said, chasing after the for once not horny pink haired boy.

"Hello welcome to Neko Neko Café! Is there anything at all that I can fucking get you!" A guy said, smiling as he prepared. "Um, sure I guess. Oh hey Snaky! How's it goin'" Haku said, recognizing his friend. "Fuck off Haku, I'm trying to work. Now, follow me this way please!" The guy, now called Snaky even though it isn't his name, said. Tamura snickered, getting ready.

"Hey fucker. You're short. I'm not. Let's fucking fuck." Tamura said, Yuri pouting because Tamura got to the question first. "No you blueberry ass looking thing. Now sit the fuck down because you're ugly. Only the brown haired kid who's very awkward, and fidgety isn't ugly." Snaky said, pointing towards Toono, Toono flinching as he got mentioned.

"Oh yeah, forgot you haven't met him yet. Snaky, this is my younger brother Takashi. You can call him Toono, though. He's, uh, been through a lot, so please, don't be a complete dick." Haku said, glancing at Toono as he spoke. Snaky nodded, taking their order afterwards. They all ended up getting shakes, although Toono, and Tamura got a vanilla shake, Yuri, Jimmy, and Shikatani got a chocolate shake, and Akemi, Itome, Kashima, Haku, and Yacchan got strawberry shakes.

"Now, cats." Akemi said, clapping his hands, and snatching the nearest cat. "Hello, here's your fuckin' food. There's more cats, so have fun." Snaky said, setting down the milkshakes. "Thanks my guy." Haku said, nodding. "Wait! Wait wait wait! You told me about Toono! All you said was that he doesn't talk though." Snaky said, walking away after.

Toono, who had stopped paying attention a few minutes before, was currently surrounded by cats. There was an all grey one with green eyes, a white cat with blonde and brown spots, and golden eyes, an all white cat with beautiful blue eyes, a brown cat with brown eyes, a red cat with wearing a hat, a dirty blonde cat with glasses, a brown cat with a dark dirty blonde strip down it's back, a black cat who had to be held and carried because it's ankles didn't work, a blonde cat with blue eyes, and a light blonde cat with lilac-grey eyes.

"Ah, I see that the cats like you Toono. The light blonde one is Itome, the blonde one is Akemi, the cat that's sitting on your lap is Yoonbum, although we call him Bumi. The cat that has the dirty blonde strip down his back is Sangwoo, the all grey cat is Lev, the white one with brown and blonde spots is Kenma, the all white cat is Gojo, the brown cat is Nobara, the red cat is Chuuya, and the cat with glasses is Kunikida." Snaky said, appearing out of nowhere and causing Toono to flinch at the sudden noise.

Tamura snickered as Toono looked bewildered. Haku, Yuri, and Akemi were just straight up laughing. "What? What the fuck is it?" Snaky asked, starting to get annoyed. "I'm Akemi, and this is my boyfriend Itome! It's nice to meet you!" Akemi said, finally free from his fit of laughter. Snaky just squinted, looked at all of them, and then walked away. After that they all drank their milkshakes, leaving the cat café after.

Timeskip brought to you by Ranpo Edogawa

"Hey Toono, do you know that guy? He's been following us since we left the café and he keeps looking at you." Yacchan asked, pointing towards a guy about sixteen feet behind them. It was a fat guy wearing a dark blue suite and a black tie who appeared to have brown eyes and greasy black hair. The man smirked AA he saw Toono look at him, Toono flinching and looking forward again.

Toono had latched onto the arm of whoever was closest, which happened to be Jimmy, who was on his left, and scorched as close as he possibly could. "Something wrong Toono?" Kashima asked, noticing the Brunette's discomfort. "It might be the guy back there. He only did that when I pointed him out." Yacchan said, nodding his head towards the fat guy.

"He was on the news! Or actually, it might've been his twin brother. Whichever one it was, he was sent to prison for human trafficking." Shikatani said, glancing at Akemi. Well, why would Toono fucking recognise him then?" Tamura asked, Yuri covering Toono's ears as they talked.

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