Him Again

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"Hey Toono! Oh, and I remember some of these faces.!." Sewanin said, walking towards the group. Hey Toono, why doesn't he call you Takashi?" Itome asked, looking at the brown haired male. "Not father!" Yuri suddenly shouted, causing Toono to flinch. This confused everyone but Toono, Yuri, and Sewanin. "Oh, that. See, when Toono was in his first year of middle school his parents died, so I adopted him." Sewanin explained, the confusion disappearing from everyones faces.

"Hi Mr.Sewanin! It's nice to see you again! We just came over here a few minutes to catch up with Takashi!" Kurami said, her voice pissing Tamura off. "I figured! It's been so long since Toono has brought friends over!" Sewanin said, smiling as he spoke. "I'm fucking done with this bitch. Toono didn't have any friends, fucktard. The little fucking bitch is just acting so people don't see what a fucking little snake she is. I wish Oh Sangwoo was real so we could ship this little bitch and the rest of them off to Korea so he could kill them. Fucking assholes." Tamura said, getting ready to slap a bitch.

Before he could, Kurami started to cry. "How could you say that! Me and Takashi have been best friends since middle school!" Kurami said, Kurohime getting pissed and yelling at Tamura. Toono just shrunk in on himself, hoping for the interaction to end. Before anyone else could even say anything though, Shikatani told them all to shut up and started to play an audio. It was a recording of what Kurami had said just eight minutes before, Sewanin's expression one of surprise, although a quick look of happiness had shown, something Akemi took notice of. "Hey Toono, you started to stutter more after you went home for a few days, why is that?" Akemi asked, his suspicions growing as Sewanin's expression became confused.

Toono froze, obviously, which gave Akemi all the reassurance he needed to confirm his suspicions. "Ah, I see! Itome, call 110. My suspicions have been confirmed and we need to send this man to jail." Akemi stated, Sewanin's fave becoming one of anger. "Fucking useless child! Can't even act! And you fucking retards, come on! I can tell you hate him and we gave work to do!" Sewanin yelled, a few people looking over as he grabbed Toono and started to run.

Tamura and Yuri started to give chase, Tamura obviously yelling as he ran. Kurami, Kurohime, and the guys following closely behind Sewanin took one of Toono's crutches, which still happened to be in his hands, and threw it at the two angry males chasing after them. Toono, though, had forgotten how to breathe. He had spaced out while he stopped breathing, so when he passed out he didn't even notice.

Time skip brought to you by Akemi's hatred of females

"Hey little shit! Wake up!" Sewanin said, dumping a bucket of water on Toono. Kurami laughed as Toono's eyes shot open and he coughed erratically. Then he felt a kick to his head, A bottle smashing right next to it, causing him to flinch. "I knew no one liked you! Not even this guy, and he's you what? Caretaker?" Kurami said, the group standing above him laughing.

"All he's good for is being a punching bag. And even then he flinched way to god damn much." Sewanin said, spitting on Toono after he spoke. Yakeru, who'd basically just watched everything pitifully until now, stomped on Toono's side, causing some more of his ribs to crack. He kept stomping on different spots, cracking more and more of the king of stuttering's ribs. All the while Shimesu laughed, grabbing a metal bat and swing it at one of Toono's ankles.

Toono's ankle even more broke alright, and when it did he let out an ear deafening scream. Wakusei, who'd gotten extremely annoyed with Toono's scream even though it was just the once that he'd screamed, grabbed a needle and thread. Then he walked over to Toono, squaring down and roughly grabbing his chin. Wakusei then proceeded to sew Toono's mouth shut and drop his head. Shimesu watched with boredom, dropping the metal bay and picking up a metal sledgehammer instead. Then he raised it and swung it down, breaking Toono's left ankle even more as well.

Kurohime, who actually hadn't had a chance to directly hurt Toono yet, stomped on Toono's head, earning a whimper from him. "Now you're fucking mute. Better than all your stuttering. Hey, you remember when you went missing a few months after your parents died? Everyone was so fucking happy. We thought you'd finally killed yourself and done us all a favor. But no. You returned even mire broken and annoying than before that summer. And let me tell you something. Those friends, or whatever you call them. They're just gonna leave you. They don't care about you. I bet you just so happened to join their club or something. I bet you have a few other friends too. One probably has a fake personality so people will like him, the other is probably in love with one of those guys, and then there'd be one more. I bet the last one is super nice, probably athletic and related to the fake one." Kurohime said, stomping his head as she said each sentence.

"Kurohime, that isn't how we're going to kill him, remember?" Kurami said, pulling her girlfriend off of Toono. Then he felt himself get layed on his back, the ceiling covered in cobwebs. Suddenly, there was something being poured on him. Toono watched as each one of his tormentors who were there walk away, still pouring n the clear liquid. Once all of them were a good distance away, the dropped the red containers and took whay appeared to by matches and lighters out of there pockets.

Toono finally realized what the liquid was. It was gasoline, the same thing people had used to burn his house down after his parents died. "On the count of three, ok? One. Two." Kurami said, getting ready to say three. Before she could, though, someone burst through the door. It was the police, who happened to have brought backup.

"Put your hands in the air where I can see them!" One yelled, pointing her gun at Kurami. "Fine. But first, three!" Kurami yelled, dropping the now lit match as the others copied her. One police officer, who had already started to approach Toono, started running as fast as he could, grabbing Toono and getting away from the flames just before they reached him (Toono).

Sewanin, who had been annoyed when Toono didn't die, quickly took a gun out of his back pocket and firing it at the officer holding Toono. Unfortunately, his aim sucked and he hit Toono instead, causing him to flinch as the bullet hit his shoulder. Sewanin was shot immediately after he fired the gun, falling to the ground and screaming in pain. "Oh please. If this kid who's what? In his first year of middle school? Second year, maybe? Can not say anything when he got shot, then surely you should also be able to." The male officer said, looking down as his voice got quieter and quieter at the sight of Toono's face.

"I see you've noticed my handiwork then. Beautiful, isn't it? If only the canvas was as beautiful as the painting, though." Wakusei said, taking the chance to insult Toono again. "What the fuck is wrong with you. You sewed his mouth shut! And he's clearly already injured! Why the hell would anyone do this!" The male officer shouted, !ore officers entering ad he spoke. Kurami started to laugh, shaking her head and explaining that no one liked Toono.

Toono had the passed out at this point, too tired to stay conscious. His face, or even just his head in general, was a bloody mess. His mouth was sewn shut, so there was blood dribbling down his lips. Almost all of his ribs were broken, and his ankles were even more broken then they were before. At this point he'd have to be carried everywhere, and Toono being the shy prince he is would feel absolutely awful about that. For the time being, though, all he saw was black, all he knew was black, and he wouldn't have to worry about anything until he woke up.

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